gareth forsyth profile picture

gareth forsyth

About Me

Gareth Forsyth is currently recording his debut Album "Fixed in Time" which includes the single "In the Shade".The album will be out around mid May and a Tour of Ireland will follow.
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/29/2007
Band Website: .." ..
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Influences: Nick Drake,Jon Martyn,Van Morrison,Bob Marley,Roy Harper,Robert Plant,Kevyn Gammond,Jimmy Page,John Bonham,Tom Waits,Dan Days,Andy McKee,Preston Reed,Eoin (Reg) Regan,Matt Churchill,Christian Best,James Hickman,Aaron Catlow,Brian 'Hassy' Hassett and more friends that I would like to mention but it would probably take me an eon to write them all down..yeah I suppose the people that I know and the people that I have had the pleasure to jam and hang out with would most definitely be the strongest influence on most of the music that I write.Thanks. G
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Record Label: Unsigned

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