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About Me

TBG setlist poll #2: 8/24/08 - 9/01/08
which song would you most like to see performed live at the next TBG show?
#1 crush
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this site was made as a show of support for the BEST NEW BAND OF 2007 [as awarded by the texas buzz], the burning ground.
the burning ground offers something unique in music today. insightful lyrics, incredibly talented musicians and constantly evolving sound make the burning ground stand out in a sea of sound-alike bands. the members of the band are all great guys personally and their music is different. the lyrics are deep and the sound is powerful. their live shows are intense and full of energy. these guys literally put everything they've got into their shows, for the music and for the fans. you always feel like you got your money's worth [and then some].
TBG studio update 03-02-08: THE ALBUM IS COMING!
TBG working hard in the studio.
TBG answers some burning questions from the fans.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

every fan of TBG!

My Blog

TBG releases their first album "keep them distracted"! album release party at fitzgerald’s 7/11

Fitzgerald's in the heights - friday, july 11th(link to fitz's site above with address and phone number - just in case you've never been to fitz)I believe the doors open at 8pm...but it could be 8:30p...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 19:40:00 GMT

allow me to introduce myself...

so, TBGFTW is basically a fan page.in the last few months, a lot of people have been brought together by the music of the burning ground, and in appreciation of that [and, lest we forget, the music!] ...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 17:35:00 GMT