Open to anything, Finding a way to help humanity stay "human" so we can all live in paradise, Each One Teach One - Spread true knowledge!!!STOP NYPD BRUTALITY!!! Why can't we colored folks find a leader and organize to protect ourselves from the NYPD brutality against the L.B.A's (L.atinos, B.lacks and A.rabs)???
"The Man", MLK, X, Marcus, Fred, Huey, Gandhi, Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni Buddha, SGI Pres. Ikeda, Nichiren Daishonin, Anyone that puts their own self on the line for the greater good.
Anything True Hip-Hop (not this commercial shit of today), Anything "Urban", Anything "Latino"
Any movie enjoyed in the company of a beautiful woman or great friends...
T.V. is crap these days...Mostly "Reality shows"...No imagination...I do like Heroes...
Lotus Sutra, The ones I'm writing, Sci-Fi, Anything that makes me "Think"
Me, Mom, Sis, Anybody that truely, truely stands by a friend, Love and Hate (you need to know one to understand the other)