...A tee shirt and cowboys boots... profile picture

...A tee shirt and cowboys boots...

♥ Party like its your last ♥

About Me

Hey yall my name is Hannah!!!! Bishop England be my schoool. hahaah. ok so absolutly love to party!!! I am crazy in love with my awsome boyfriend. we have been strong this long. nobody can stop us now. hah. "Baby you save me" (our song) So sorry guys if you were gettn exited lol. im taken and that wont change ever. i swear!!!!!! so anywhoo i ♥ my land in Awendaw i ♥ CHEVY i ♥ my RODEO aka Dixie i ♥ my dogs Ruby and Betty i ♥ 4 wheelers i ♥ shit talkers i ♥ muddin i ♥ country music i ♥ sweet tea. I would be nothing without my friends: Jenny, Morgasm, Hillary, Aimee, Sarah, Ricki, Cece, Erica,Ann, Jasmine, Hazel,Mike, God brain fart. If i missed you name im sorry you know i love you. And of coarse ♥Brad- Bradley Oakley Hardwick!!! hah you are my life baby. i swaer im lost w/o u. Every second im with you i feel amazing. me + beer= bad news!!!! hahah i think you should have learned that by now baby!!!! i love you darlin!
Get your own Myspace Countup *~~Sarah~~* omg girl where do i start. so the moment i met you i was like in love with you. lol. but yeah we have been through so much shit and it has made us so strong. our moments together are so much fun. we know how to party thats for sure. i love you and kyle together, i can see you really happy with him and that makes me happy. I LOVE YOU!!!! ((BuG hUg)) *~~Jasmine~~*girl girl girl where do i start with you?? hah i remember the night i met you at Jen's house. the first night you got drunk. hahah. then the night progressed to underware on our heads and u humping the bissle vaccumm, hints the nickname.but im happy were frinds again and looking for new momories to have!! i love ya girly wana know more?!?!? ya i know you do aim= Southernbabii97
© whateverlife.com

My Interests

I love to go muddin w/ my girls. i love to go huntin, ecpecially dove huntin because i am really good at shootin dove.i love parties. i love to go out with my boyfriend, anywhere, as long as im with him!!

I'd like to meet:

ummm a guy who can handle all my needs!!! hehWhat Love Quote Suits You?
What Guys Think of Your Long Straight Hair...
Sexy, desirable, and hard to please.
A girl who's so stunning that you've got them lined up around the block! What Do Guys Think Of Your Hair?
You are a Great Girlfriend
When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself
You're the perfect blend of independent and caring
You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! Are You a Good Girlfriend?
You Are a Very Bad Girl
You are 0% Good and 100% Bad
As they say, good girls go to heaven and bad girls go everywhere!
You make most bad girls look like angels - and have a hell of a time along the way. Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?
It's 90% Love and 10% Lust
You and your guy are truly in love, even if that spark seems to be a little dimmer.
Is It Lust or Love?
What You Know About Your Guy: Practically Everything
You have gotten to know your man really well
From his hopes and dreams to favorite things...
You definitely have enough info to figure out if he's *the* guy
In fact, you may know him a little better than you know yourself How Well Do You Know Your Man?Take the quiz:
WHich TrucK are you?

4 WheeleR
You are the 4 WheeleR. YOu are a beast in the mud and thats alll you care about. It's no thang to get it dirty.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Ford or Chevy CHEVY
Wrangler or Levi's Wranglers
Redneck or Cowboy/Cowgirl Redneck Cowgirl
Huntin or Fishin Huntin duh
Dirt bikes or 4-Wheelers 4-wheelers
Honda or Yamaha Honda
South or Mid-west South
Moonshine or Budwiser Moonshine
Duck or Deer Deer
Cowboy Hats or Cowboy Boots Cowboy boots
Country or Classic Rock Country
Ropin or Ride'n Ride'n
Bulls or Broncs Bulls
Nascar or NFL both
Mossy Oak or Real Tree Mossy Oak
On the Water or On the Docks On the water
Inland or Coast Coast
Muddin in a Truck or on a 4-wheeler Truck

Carolina Boys or Girls
Cat Country or Wezel? Cat Country
B25 or 95SX? 95SX
96 Wave or 98X? 96 Wave
White or Black? WHITE
Sweet Tea or Unsweet Tea? Sweet tea
Redneck or Cowboy/girl? Redneck woman
Ocean or Lake? Lake
4wheelers or Dirtbikes? 4wheelers
Boat or Jetski? Boat
Off road or Muddin? Muddin
Ford or Chevey? Chevy
Rock/Rap/Country? Country
Carolina or Clemson? Carolina

What Makes you so Sexy by SexyMamacita
Sexy body part Ass
Talents Your tongue can touch you nose
Specialties Rough Love


i absolutly love cOuNtRy music obviously. i like a little rap here and there. i love rock too!


i love dazed and confused. best frikin movie ever!!!


OLN, MTV, GAC, cartoons. hah




definantly my rents. they taught me that if you know your gonna get caught, make the best of it while you can!!!

My Blog


why do i put myself through this never ending hurt. love is fake. its not realistic. the moment you think you have somthing good, well you get fucked over. and you feel right where you started. with n...
Posted by ...A tee shirt and cowboys boots... on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 05:17:00 PST


ahhh! you know that feeling?? yea the one where you feel like your 4 years old again when you get around him. but in a good way of course. its so unexplainable. the butterflies are unbarable. its so r...
Posted by ...A tee shirt and cowboys boots... on Wed, 24 May 2006 11:19:00 PST

You know you go to Bishop England When....

You Know You Go To Bishop England When... 1. You hate the colors Green and White cause its all you ever see.2. (girls) You try any and every possible way to look sexy in your uniform shirt ......pinni...
Posted by ...A tee shirt and cowboys boots... on Wed, 24 May 2006 10:57:00 PST

R.I.P Lucious Gilliard <3

R.I.P Lucious Gilliard 4/15/06 Funeral: Today 4/21/06 Man where do i start...So i met this boy in 3rd grade and learned to love his little smart ass ever since. He was just a ray of sunshine to talk ...
Posted by ...A tee shirt and cowboys boots... on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 06:28:00 PST

Lets tell the truth now......

1. Your name: 2. Your age: 3. Your favorite color: 4. Favorite movie: 5. Favorite song: 6. Favotite band: 7. Most embarrasing moment: 8. Are you a virgin? 9. What do you like most ab...
Posted by ...A tee shirt and cowboys boots... on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 07:45:00 PST