GeTting/MakiNg My liFe wOrTh ThE fuTure I aM wOrKinG On SuCceEdin'...wHiCh iS aNyThiN' tO dO wiTh aRChiTeCtUrE...
LiFe iS a cRAzy riDe, nOThin' iS gUArANtEed...
I'd like to meet:
wE'Re nOt saRCaStic, wE'Re hiLlaRiOus. "We'Re nOt aNnOyiNg, wE'Re jUSt cOoLer tHan yOu. wE'Re nOt biTChEs, wE jUSt dON't liKe yOu. aNd wE'Re nOt obSESsEd, wE'Re jUSt bESt-fRiENds"
AnyOnE Or WhOevEr i gEt to CroSs paTh WitH iS Ok I tHink....aNd Who gIves a Lot Of frIeNdly SmilEs..Lol..oR BetTer 2 mEet tHe wHole wIde WorLd!......
AnY kInD oF mUsIc!!!..=)..EsPeCiaLly mElLoW rOcK/R&B/rEgGaE...
wHy?--melodically lingers, refresh your mind and relieve pain can be your anchor at times when your lonely/angry/sad...and there for there's no comparing to it's compulsive tranquility...
ToO MuCh tO nAme...
...FrieNds, DarK aNgeL,cHarMed,& CSI...
AnY roManCe, HorRor, n' SusPenCes..yUp!...
sUm Of mY bOoks
WeLl, My TrUe PrImaRy HeRoEs aRe My bElOvEd PaReNtS AnD mY WhOle FaMiLy...hAs aLwAys BeEn..ThRoUgH GoOd AnD hArD tImes...LOVE EM ALL!!!...
OTheR ThAn ThEm It's My EnEmies AnD FrIeNds...I LeArn wHat miStAkEs I geT to KnOw AnD dEfeNd mYsElf Or acCPpT wHat oUtCOme...It'S hOw oNe cAn bUiLt mUcH sTrEngTh wiThin fRom FaLliNg aPaRt...AnD tO kNow WhAt KinD oF peOplE I GeT to TruSt...inStEad oF bEfRiEnd wiTh tHOse wHo aRe fRaUds...
ALl iN aLl, yOu'Ll HaVe mUch iN moTiVaTiOn tO aChiEve bETtEr tHAn wHat yOu nEVer eXPeCtEd...bEcAUse oF tHEm..mANy tHaNx!...