Lindsey♥Marie profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

♥soo... my names is lindsey and im a junior at SMHS i love all my friends and would die with out them. i love spending all my time with them. ♥ i love ftball season. i love taking pictures. crazy pictures. i love the beach and i want to live there someday.. i love music/all kinds. and i would die without it. i get hyper really easy. but i only show it to my friends. ♥ i am on the track and cross country team even though i hate running.. im A D D I C T E D to text messaging. ♥ i hate drama/or people who run their mouths . so i try to avoid those people as best as i can. i love roller coasters. and anything else adventures or diffrent. i love trying new things. i hate doin the same things over and over again. when ever i start laughing its hard for me to stop. school is very boring to me . and i cant wait till i get out and go to college. i have my own morals and expectaions and i wont let anyone change those. i love dancing and partying.♥ big sunglasses are really fun. gum is a must. pink is my favorite color. i like it when people make me smile. and i cant wait to me "the guy". ♥ i take my cell phone everywhere i go. were like best friends :) i hate being heart broken. which tends to be pretty often. ive been there to many times. my family means a lot to me. ice cream is always good when ur feeling bad. i love watching girly movies. i get cold really easily and love to snuggle. i love my dogs. i would not trade them for anything. ♥
**Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. -- Author:1 Corinthians 13:4-7

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

id like to meet... a guy... that can make me laugh ♥ make me cry (for the good reasons that is) ♥ make me get little butterflies ♥ make me wonder ♥ can make me happy ♥ that i can have fun with ♥ that can tell me beautiful even when im sick ♥ that can make me feel like im floating in the clouds ♥ that can be random and spontaneous ♥ that can stay on the phone with me all night and we never run out of things to say ♥ that can drop his friends to just come say hey to me ♥ when im upset he can come and be there for me ♥ can know when to be serious and know when to joke ♥ knows the little things that make me the happiest ♥ that i can feel comfortable with &heart; that can take me places i have never been ♥ that wont pressure me into things i dont want to do ♥ can lift me up when im down ♥ that can make me a stronger person ♥ that i can lie under the stars for hours in his arms and feel safer than i have even in my life ♥ that can take me running through a field of dasies ♥ that can tell me little secrets about himself ♥ that i can trust ♥ that can kiss me lightly on the fore head and whisper in my ear that he loves me ♥ that will persuade me to keep following my dreams and aspirations ♥ that believes in me ♥ that can criticize me constructively ♥ and most importantly THAT CAN LOVE ME FOR ME ♥ ♥ ***♥forget the risk. & take the fall. if its what you want, then its worth it all. ♥***
Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥

My Blog

aww! i want this! ♥

To every guy that walks on the outside of a sidewalk. To every guy that cooks dinner for her. To every guy that regrets hurting her. To every guy who knows which girl he wants. To every guy that's...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 09:05:00 GMT

if your REALLY bored read these...

This is a long one!!! Don't jerk people around, do it smoothly! Only in people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a Diet Coke. Only in banks leave both doors...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 16:04:00 GMT

all the crazy stuff me and meghan did!!!

all the crazy stuff me and meghan did ~!~stayed up all night talking about nothing at all ~!~ate Mac & cheese at 1 and then again at 3 ~!~ pushed each other down in puddles ~!~ put worms in each o...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Sep 2005 16:03:00 GMT

fun things to do at walmart!

Fun things to do at Wal-mart 1. pick up condom packages and randomly put them into ppl's carts when theyre not looking 2. set all the alarm clocks in housewares to go off a...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 16:00:00 GMT

fun things to do in the movies....

Fun things to do in the movies 1. Wear a top hat. 2. Throw popcorn in the air and yell, "It's snowing!". 3. Go, "ooooh..." whenever anyone kisses. 4. Clap when the good guy gets killed. 6. S...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 15:55:00 GMT