Just Think! When you think you had a bad day and nothing is going your way, Just Think! When you broke up with that bf/gf and your sad, Just Think! When you found out that your friend turned on youand your mad, Just Think! When you lost your wallet and you think your life is terrible, Just Think!Just Think about the helpless innocent people around the world, Who didnt ask to be born in poverty. Who cant think about anything except getting a little something in there stomach. Just Think about how this little boy/girl in I dont know what country is going to do tomorrow.Heres some facts for your mind:2 billion people suffer from lack of nutrients (1 out of every 3 people on earth). A lack of nutrients can lead to eye damage, blindness, slowed growth, and a reduce in energy and mental, speech, and hearing capabilities. Every day, 27,000 children die, mostly of hunger and preventable diseases. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 173 children in every 1,000 will die before age five. There are 42 million people living with HIV/AIDS around the world, 3.2 million are children. Approximately 250,000 people die from AIDS-related causes each month. AIDS has killed 22 million people, more than 6 million of those were children. In the countries most affected by AIDS, 1 of 3 children will die of the disease before they turn fifteen. Currently there is approximately 14 million AIDS orphans - by 2010 it is expected to increase to 25 million.So if your down and need to be brought back down to earth, just come on here and look at this poor child who is by now, GOD forbid, probably dead.
Bow Down to the Best Album EVER!!!
"Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado." Translation - "I prefer to die standing, rather than live on my knees." --Emiliano Zapata.
AK light yo chest up like ET!
I Came and I Conquered!!