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Alberto Braida

About Me

"It was early in the morning when I woke up: it was my birthday.
I knew that probably I would have received a gift that day and I was very excited.
On the table I found a small package and I immediately went to open it very carefully.
There was a red toy car inside and I started to play with it.
It was great and I could compete in a race with my friends that already had a toy car.
After a couple of days, I looked through the small plastic window of my car: there were the wheel, seats, gear level…a lot of details that I hadn’t noticed till then.
I started to dismantle the car to “explore” inside it and when I finished, the small pieces of my toy were on the table. Many nice and interesting things, which I couldn’t see before were now in front of me: small screws, mechanism and so on.
From then on, my favorite game had been to discover new objects that I could build using the components of my red toy car."

Since many years Alberto Braida is active as pianist, improviser and composer.
He has collaborated and played with musicians such as Lisle Ellis, Peter Kowald, Wadada Leo Smith, Jack Wright, John Edwards, Wilbert De Joode, John Butcher, Gino Robair, Hans Koch, Paul Lytton, Giancarlo Locatelli, Fabrizio Spera, Edoardo Marraffa, Antonio Borghini, Cristiano Calcagnile, Ab Baars, Paul Lovens, Wolfgang Fuchs, George Cremaschi, Ig Henneman, John Hughes, Liz Albee, Michael Thieke, Filippo Monico, Massimo Falascone, Luca Venitucci and many other.
He played at the Vision Festival (New York), Improvised and Otherwise Festival (New York), Uncool Festival (Poschiavo), Total Music Meeting (Berlin), Tasten Festival (Berlin), Interactivity 05 (The Haag), Free Radicals at the Red Rose (London), Music Unlimited Festival XIX (Wells), Konfrontationen (Nickelsdorf), Podring (Biel), Risonanze (Venezia), Controindicazioni (Roma), Festival milanese della musica d'improvvisazione (Milano), Pulsi (Milano), ContemporaneaMente (Lodi) and in many other places in Europe and United States.
-1997 "trio '97" A. Braida/T. Mangialajo/C. Virzi - CMC Records 9974-2
-1999 "diciannove calefazioni" A. Braida/G. Locatelli - Takla Records 2
-2002 "tripwire" L. Scherzberg/J. Hughes/J. Arnal (Alberto Braida and Giancarlo Locatelli are guests in one piece recorded during a concert in Hamburg) - Generate Records
-2002 "Audiology – 11 groups live in Berlin Total Music Meeting 2001"
A/l/l – A division of FMP Free Music Production-
-2004 "Aria" P. Kowald/G. Locatelli/A. Braida - free elephant 004
-2004 "Oued" A. Braida, piano solo - Z-rec AB 1
-2004 "Ora!" RARA ensamble (G. Locatelli/A. Braida/G.Tedeschi/F. Spera)
- Z-rec RARA 1
-2004 "Due" A. Braida/G. Locatelli - Z-rec GLAB 1
-2005 "di terra" Braida/Ellis/Spera - Nu Bop Records 2
-2006 "mobile" Braida/Hughes - brokenresearch
-2007 "reg erg" A. Braida/ W. de Joode - Red Toucan RT 9332
"no flags on the bridge" J. Butcher/A. Braida/J. Edwards/F. Spera quartet
"Extraordinary Rendition" Diego Garcia Quintet
-L. Albee/A. Braida/G. Cremaschi/G. Robair/F. Spera-
"Talus" Alberto Braida piano solo, Nuscope recordings

My Interests


Member Since: 8/29/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Current groups and projects

Alberto Braida, piano

Braida/Locatelli DUO
Giancarlo Locatelli, clarinets
Alberto Braida, piano

Braida/de Joode DUO
Alberto Braida, piano
Wilbert de Joode, bass

Koch/Braida DUO
Hans Koch, clarinets
Alberto Braida, piano

Alberto Braida, piano
John Hughes, bass

Braida/Spera DUO
Alberto Braida, piano
Fabrizio Spera, drums-percussion

Alberto Braida, piano
Lisle Ellis, bass
Fabrizio Spera, drums

Melly's Tree
Alberto Braida, piano
Antonio Borghini, bass
Cristiano Calcagnile, drums

Wright/Braida/Spera TRIO
Jack Wright, saxophones
Alberto Braida, piano
Fabrizio Spera, drums

re:start TRIO
Massimo Falascone, saxophones-crackle box-ipod-live electronics
Alberto Braida, piano and objects
Filippo Monico, drums-percussions-flute

Smonta tutto
Giancarlo Locatelli, clarinets
Alberto Braida, piano and objects
Gino Robair, drums and percussions

Butcher/Braida/Edwards/Spera QUARTET
John Butcher, saxophones
Alberto Braida, piano
John Edwards, bass
Fabrizio Spera, drums

Eco d'Alberi
Edoardo Marraffa, saxophones
Alberto Braida, piano
Antonio Borghini, bass
Fabrizio Spera, drums

Diego Garcia
Liz Albee, trompet
Alberto Braida, piano
George Cremaschi, bass
Gino Robair, percussion
Fabrizio Spera, drums

Record Label: Free Elephant, Z-rec, Nuscope, Red Toucan
Type of Label: Indie

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