Tom profile picture


I believe in the faith that grows, and the four right chords can make me cry

About Me

I'm a senior at Central Michigan University majoring in Integrative Public Relations. Last semester was a semester of growth where I've learned more about myself than I have in years past. It was a necessary transitional phase that I needed. I enjoy the bar scene quite a bit, but I now know that it is not going to help me graduate any sooner. I am focused, irrational, spontanious,attentive, and witty (if I do say so myself). I'm excited for my upcoming internship down in Royal Oak for a PR/Publicity firm and can't wait to see where my life leads me next! %D%A%D%A %D%A.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Music, Shows, big concerts, being pensive, jamming out while driving, having anthropological talks with Liz and Jordan about resiprocity relationships , cool sunglasses, smoking cigs, being impulsive, crashing weddings (hell yeah Alex, Amanda, and Sarah),Europe, going to the movies, watching movies at home, movies that make you think, having a revolation, working hard, getting good grades, spending money like I'm made of it, laughing, making people laugh, and just having a great time


Postal Service, Death Cab just keep me going but I also have become obsessed with Imogen Heap and Frou Frou!! But for the most part I like indie rock, some rap, some pop, and I have started to enjoy techno after my trip to Europe!


I love any movie that portrays some sort of emotion that can make you laugh hysterically or cry like a baby and the ones that do this for me are... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Garden State, Anchorman, Big Fish, City of God, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Lemony Snickets Series of Unfortunate Events, Donnie Darko, Riding in Cars with Boys, Motorcycle Diaries, Goonies, Tommyboy, Blacksheep, Dumb and Dumber, Bottle Rockets, Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Caribean, Hot Chick, Holiday, Little Miss Sunshine,The Harry Potter Movies, Seven, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I heart Huckabees, Closer, Chronicles of I dare keep going


Grey's Anatomy, Mtv Real World Road Rules Challenges, SO you think you can dance, Family Guy, Simpson's, War at Home, and the Simple Life


It is sad that my book list is so short compared to the rest but don't worry it grows by the day.....or semester: The Davinci Code, Angels and Demons, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Chronicles of Purdain, The Historian, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Romanov Prophecy


My mom