First of all my name is Dave. Thats my first name of course secondly my second name is Barton. Thats my second name.
I guess the main thing to say about myself is that I love music and God with all my heart and also Charlie, my amazin girlfriend!!! shes the best and always been there for me no matter what, thnx charlie :D love her sooooooo much, gorgeous caring and just pure amazin' what more could anyone ask for!!! I play drums in a Band called "NlighteN" (Check us out or
Check out NlighteN's new video at their myspace account.
I live in England! come on. Ok....I kno i said we were gonna win the world cup, but I can face it, I was wrong :-( ohwell.
The town I live in is the words of the Great Bruce Springsteen "This is my hometown".
If u wanna kno any more jst talk to me to b fair.