RO@D Skuul ~dE~jUrE*mAjEsTrIte* profile picture

RO@D Skuul ~dE~jUrE*mAjEsTrIte*

About Me

Out of the night that covers me,       Black as the Pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be       For my unconquerable soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance       I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance        My head is bloody, but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears       Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years       Finds, and shall find me, unafraid
It matters not how strait the gate,       How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;       I am the captain of my soul
William Ernest Henley
David-Sydney: Rideout
FrienlyFier119 (aka WesternJestern)
FreedomFest @ The Dome in Bakersfield January 2008
claim sovereignty self sufficient... Grow your own food, remove yourself and property from the power grid, dont pay taxes, dont support big business and fast foods... learn from your parents and teach your children... it is a free planet, but unless you walk out from under the pyramid, you are funding the enslavement of the opressed
Money, is merely 'pictures of money',,, Take it out of the bank, and exchange it for something of value, it isnt worth the paper its printed on
Waste no time, void all criminal contracts now with this 'alleged' government establishment, society, 'Psychocracy',,, They are NOT who they claim to be! They are foreign couterfeiters, imposters, criminal mafia, and have infiltrated this land and occupied it for hundreds of years.
Void all fictitious contracts, birth records, licenses, permits, social security, titles, registrations, names, addresses, etc,,, oclaim sovereignty according to DeJure Law, and cancel all De Facto agreements.
ThinkFree Presents : The Magnificent Deception..
Occult World of Commerce Jordan Maxwell And Whitney..The most important information you may ever learn
The Hour of Our Time - The Legacy of William Cooper
Dr John Coleman Commitee of 300 - MI6
Dr Bill Deagle
Winston Shrout ~ Perception in Commerce ..
The Anti Terrorist Freeman/Strawman
Beating Civil Traffic Tickets - Part 1 Standing (see parts 1-3) Blogs - THE BAR CARD ~ Private Monopoly over the Law - RadicalJusticeMan MySpace Bl

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All who wish to unlearn what culture and civilization has programmed into them
If You Want To Change The World.. DO NOTHING!!


these are not just my heros below, ...many of them are me.


My Blog

World Paasport, World Citizen, NOT the NWO

World Government of World Citizens"The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government..."Article 21(3), Universal Declaration of Human Rights. HomeProgramsCom...
Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 09:57:00 GMT

Suburban survival for the simple

Abrahams Blog Abrahams Blog Suburban survival for the simple Water filter reviewMay 20, 2009 by Abraham I bought a water filter called  the Pure Easy Campers Micro-Ceramic ...
Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 23:59:00 GMT

Joes website, he's been studying sovereignty with earthica* lately

Welcome to my campaign for your sovereignty."Sat Nam" - I respect the truth in youBreaking NEWS!==============ASAP  Rescind your signature on your home mortgage because article 10 of the agreement cle...
Posted by on Fri, 15 May 2009 23:55:00 GMT

What is a RePublic? (is your Body a Political entity?)

 Republic- Res Publica (Wikipedia)Republic- A republic is a 'form of government' in which the 'head of state' is not a hereditary monarch[1] but in which the people (or at least a part of its people)[...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 14:11:00 GMT

Alan David on AIB Radio, History of Law and the Courts~DONT MISS IT!!

Alan continues in his series of talks on the History and corruption of the Court System and Government.A MUST Listen for anyone who is facing legal problems and needs to know how to protect and defend...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 14:01:00 GMT

Title 18 FRAUD- I served on the Bank/Courts for using fictitous name/address on Court cases

 Star: Hillstemporary mailing location care of: 100 Freedom Streetnear: [Bakersfield ] , California,non domestic, without the U.S.Sui Juris plaintiff in #: S 2200 CV 12345. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 13:51:00 GMT

Title 18 FRAUD- (part 2)

Assumption of a Legal FictionAn important issue concerning this entire matter is whether or not a proper name, perverted into an all caps assemblage of letters, can be substituted for a lawful Christi...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 13:49:00 GMT

The Foreclosure Report !!

The Foreclosure Report !!       Seems the only options these days are hurting homeowners.. ..... Weighing the legal and financial repercussions after a short sale, foreclosure or bankruptcy filing.  P...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Mar 2009 20:11:00 GMT

I never thought a patriot could bring me to tears, but i've just been proven wrong

Although i claim absolute de jure sovereignty and do not agree that i am a "citizen" or "under' any laws other than those of my Creator, this man has put his very life on the line to remove the crimin...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 02:15:00 GMT

David-Sydney: Rideout Sovereignty~EXCELLENT material! A MUST see!

These videos dont have embed codes so please go to link below and watch them in sequence, they are very informative,,, it's a little difficult to figure out the order they go in, but i think  they sta...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 12:15:00 GMT