Negative campaigning: my response to my family pt III |
My great grandfather sent me a link to this attack ad on Obama, accusing him of everything short of sinking the Titanic.
Here is my response.
This has to be a joke. Medica... Posted by on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 07:52:00 GMT |
Sarah Palin and foreign policy, or "P-O-T-A-T-O-E" |
Here's a letter I wrote all political members of my family in response to their general approval of Sarah Palin, who is potentially the worst thing to almost happen to the White House since Dan Quayle... Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 00:56:00 GMT |
Monsoon |
"But it's pouring." This from James as I stepped outside, remarking that it looked like a good time to go for a walk.
Truthfully, the rain was falling far harder than my thin skin and well dev... Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 08:59:00 GMT |
Haircuts bulletin: now an open plea |
Do you cut hair? Do you know someone who does (competently and cheaply)? I ask this because I'm on the verge of giving up hope on the "stylists" in this stupid city once and for all. For four years, T... Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 05:03:00 GMT |
Bush and Lebanon’s Current Chaos |
This is a response to a question posted on Juan Cole's "Informed Comment" website about the nature of the US interests and role in Lebanon at the moment. Fortunately I had just finished a paper on thi... Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 23:46:00 GMT |
The Roots of Insomnia |
In moving from the outskirts to the heart of the city, I've been confronted with a strange problem escaping the flow of life now becomes nearly impossible. In spite of my best efforts, the incessant... Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 17:52:00 GMT |
My Take on Iraq |
Last week I received an email from one of my friends who was working on Obama's campaign in New Hampshire and Iowa describing the candidate's policies on everything from Iraq to health care, an email ... Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 09:43:00 GMT |