hAHA fOod! fOOd! fOod! mUSIc: fRom pUNk to rAP to oLDieS to coUNtRy! dRIVing rANGes!! oFf-rOADing !!! cOFfEe! lARge wALk-in cLOsets! EATING!! shOPPiNG! i lOVe eC^2 aND aRk*... jUSt neVEr forGEt abOUT the 3 moUSkiteEERRss...i miSsh yALL sOo sOo mUCh!!... my fAMILy... thEY'Re my rEALIty chEck... my sAFe hAVen fROm the drAMa the wORLd brINGs.. yOU HAVE no iDEa hOw mUCh yALL mEAN to mEeh...
. .. my swishy poo... my heart hurts that you're in Chicago..
everything!!...i lOve mUSiC!!!
..my best friend's wedding...nEvEr BEEn kISsed...MiLLion doLlar baby...Remember the titans... a LEaGue of thEIr oWn...ScARfAce...KiLL bILLs...alL the iNDiana JONes......gOONIEs...hArOLD & kUMAr..aNCHormAn.... sUPEr trOoPErs...little giants...the divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood...grease...pride and predjudice...practical magic...harry potter
"sAVed by the beLL"...... dIScoVery channel..."i lOVe LUCy"..."jErRy spRiNGEr"...mTV...fOod nETwORk..."filipino channel"..."cHEAters"..."fReSh prINCe"...coURt tV......"fAMiLY gUY".."sIMPsOns"..."sEx aND the cIty"..."espn rundown & top ten"..."giRLFRieNDs"......"cOSby shOW"..mtv...i'm a reality show junkie...
"if tOmORrow cOMEs"..."clifford the big red dog"..."joy luck club"..."bonesetters daughter"..."rAGe of ANGeLs"..."A chILD cALled it"..."the fIVe aGREemENts"..."the sECret LEtters of mARILYn mONROe and JAckie kENnedy"..."honeyMOOn wiTh my broTHer"..."two weeks with my brother"...
my daddy and mommy... the two hardest working people i know...i love you because you've made me who i am today and you always make me want to strive for the best...