E.K.P.E Model Management is a model management company representing models in los angeles area and surrounding vicinities. We are a leader in the development and placement of new models into the world's leading modeling scene
E.K.P.E Model Management is dedicated to providing aspiring models with the most legitimate and affordable way to begin working in the fashion industry..
E.K.P.E Model Management is not a modeling school and does not require models to enroll in modeling classes or pay up-front fees.E.K.P.E Model Management specializes in seeking and developing new faces with the potential of succeeding in the modeling industry. We represent both female models ranging in age from thirteen (13) to twenty-five (25), and male models ranging in age from mid teens (15 – 16) to early thirties (31 – 35), of any ethnicity. E.K.P.E Models Management primarily represents and seeks models in the areas of the fashion runway as well as fashion, beauty, catalogue, commercial, and editorial print modeling.E.K.P.E Model Management, is not a school or a photography studio.
E.K.P.E Model Management, prides itself on fairness, honesty and integrity.
E.K.P.E Model Management, is a commission-based modeling agency. We do not charge any up-front fees to review potential candidates' pictures or to represent our models. A legitimate, professional modeling agency, DOES NOT charge up-front fee to represent its models. Professional modeling agencies earn a commission from their model's earnings. It is agencies' responsibility to develop, manage, represent and attempt to secure employment contracts for their models.[LOVEMYFLASH][/LOVEMYFLASH]
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2nd annual "Belle Du Jour" The Look of LA
Last year was crazy so imagine the surprises we have for this year. This year we're going harder!!!! MIMz is set to perform, Fonzworth Bentley, so many more. Imagine the greatest nightli... Posted by on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 23:54:00 GMT