The wonderful love of a beautiful maid, The love of a staunch true man, The love of a baby, unafraid, Have existed since time began.But the greatest of loves, The quintessence of loves. even greater than that of a mother, Is the tender, passionate, infinite love, of one drunken Marine for another.semper fi
The statue of liberty is no longer saying "Give me your poor, your tird, your huddled masses," shes got a baseball bat and shes yelling, "YOU WANA A PIECE OF ME." Robin Williams
You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situating; trying to put the pieces back togethor, justifying what coul've, would've happened... or you can just elkave the pices on the floor and move the fuck on! tupac
anything that can keep my attention.
i dont have a fucking tv
to be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of the ignorant- Amos Branson Alcott
Harry "pops" Powell R.I.P nov 4,1939- jan 21,2006 thanks for alwayse being their pops you know youll alwayse hold a special place in my heart. i hope iv done you proud.