Quantum leaping and not much else. I'm pretty busy jumping around helping people, and now that Ziggy is on the fritz again I think it will be some time before I can really pursue any other hobbies.Oh, I am interested in binge drinking, so if there are any beer distributors out there that want to give away free beer, then send it my way.
Sinnesschraube, he's really really famous in the round peg manufacturing world. Not so much in the square hole world, but he's still famous.
Psychisches Sinnesgeplapper, The Really Really Retros, Gnawa Drum Lords, Perpetualmastication, and anything from Voll Vom Fece which pre-dates their Braunes Auge Blau album. Braunes Auge Blau is so derivative of Heilig Menche's spoken word period.
Yes. I have heard of television.
Superman, Wonder Woman, and Spiderman. But not the Hulk. He's a real bastard. One beer bong and he tears the place apart.