just chillin', go with the flow, just sit back and enjoy the ride. that's me in a nutshell. I'm rarely pushy or obnoxious but if I am you are probably close enough to me that i can joke around like that or I think enough of you to take a joke. I like to make people laugh becuase it makes me laugh and it shows me how a girl really smiles. I hate stupid drama and not all drama is stupid. I hate stupid people because they know the right answer but always choose the wrong option. I love my friends and family because they are important to me and I'm more loyal to them than they will ever know. They are the key to my past and play a huge part in my future. I like people who can talk and carry a conversation. I hate people who talk too much and don't realize how golden silence can be... whatever, is my answer to everything. I'll just figure the rest out later or when the appropriate time comes.
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