Jayson profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Don't know my name, shame on you...lol ^_^

-Junior at Old Mill!!! Go Pats!! '09 so fine

-I play ddr, im good at that, not exceptionally good, but good

-I'm FILIPINO, repping da pacific islanders

-Im a shy person, takes a while before i "open up" to ppl

-I wud like to say im tech savvy, i kno more about tech than the average person i guess

-Ima listener, not much of a talker. but at times i do have stuff to say (though there are times where i zone out ^_^)

-Umm....for a while, i havent seen my ears in a while, due to my hair. idk, i just forgot wat they looked like, then i lifted my hair one day, and im like, whoa, my ears, havnt seen those ina while. ^^ (yea, something random i wanted to say)

-Duno wat else to say, message me if you wanna know more or use teh aim

Xanga I write stuff there sometimes occasionally

My Interests

Girls, music, tennis, sleeping, eating, more eating, Dance dance revolution, other video games.


hip hop, r&b, rap, techno, basically anything you can dance to. i also like for some reason love songs. And I have to represent, FILIPINO SONGS!!!!!! (Gloc 9, Moonstar 88, Sponge Cola, Eraserheads, Sugarfree)
suggest songs plz, coz i cant think of good songs to put on my phone ^_^


WHo needs books??? hehehe


The Ninjabread Man

My Blog


alright, no now i have inspired my friends to make a random movie wit me.  so now we trying to come up with a plot and stuff and ppl to get, kinda unorganized, but yea, wat else wud u expect. so ...
Posted by Jayson on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 03:01:00 PST

DDR team?

heh as u all know, im kind of a ddr fanatic ^^, well if u at old mill, wud u join a ddr club?  i need some ppl to join and also some ppl to start it for me heh.  
Posted by Jayson on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 06:37:00 PST

VHS vs. Betamax; the Next Generation

If you dont remember the VHS vs. Betamax war, its was basically which tape would win.  but as you kno, VHS died, and now theres DVDs. and now the race to replace DVDs has begun.  Blu ray and...
Posted by Jayson on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 07:00:00 PST

My new schedule

A day1. Pre calc - triolo2. team sports1 - postell3. ap euro - newgent4. spanish 3 - bennielunch - bB day1. english - raines2. ap stat - plocek3. chemistry - chen4. web page design - zlunch - d...
Posted by Jayson on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:25:00 PST

New Phone, New Number

basically thats it, dont call my old number, my mom will be using that number. and also, if u want my new number, ask me, i'll message it to u
Posted by Jayson on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:43:00 PST

Top Friends

the structure to my top friends list is not a heirarchy of who i like best or something like that.  its basically set up like this:family, filipinos i hang wit, then my other friends.  and w...
Posted by Jayson on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 07:17:00 PST


So yeah i've been asked whats with the roses, and whats with me and roses and stuff like that.  well i really dont know.  its just something i've done for a while.  i just like to make ...
Posted by Jayson on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:44:00 PST

list of things im suppose to do ^^

man november-december is when school likes to assign a whole buncha crap. heh. well heres a list i have to do, and im prolly not gonna do it well. this is not the order i have to finish it...just some...
Posted by Jayson on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 03:24:00 PST

yea...so it worked

yea as most of u have noticed...from my display pic or at school. i did cut off my hair and shaved. ^^ no 1 recognized me...it was funny.  they thought i was my own cousin or sumthing. hehe ^^ wo...
Posted by Jayson on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 11:56:00 PST

hmm i wonder

yea, so its about time to go to get my hair cut, so my hair is short and grows bak by winter time and b long.  so im thinking, how wud u react if u saw me wit short hair, glasses, and i shaved of...
Posted by Jayson on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:25:00 PST