upstate. is a snowboard apparel project to make nice stuff for people who snowboard. Upstate. is now based out of NYC and you can find us killin it all over the northeast. We're starting out small but hopefully someday we won't need real jobs! haha.All upstate. shirts are printed on UNIQLO brand tee's. UNIQLO is the number one clothing retailer in Japan, and just opened their first store in america last year. I am super anal when it comes to how my shirts fit and I have never worn a better shirt than these. They are cut on the smaller side, but are longer than most shirts...and alittle longer then american apparel and way more comfortable. and they dont shrink. ever. you will want to wear them everyday for the rest of your life.
All tee's are $20 shipped, but if you catch me out somewhere i'll hook you up for less.if you see us out anywhere, be sure to say what up!thanks!