What is worth fighting for? Is any one person worth you losing your self respect or dignity over? No...noone is...you are in control of you. When you give someone else the power over you, then you have giving them control. Sometimes feelings and emotions will make you react in a profound way, and have you being something that you are not. Do you know who you are? How do you represent you? I know who I am...I am a Queen. I am a beautiful, golden glow toned red-bone, with high cheek bones, and a beautiful smile. I have a body with curves, and legs for miles. But, that is not what I want to be known for. Beauty is only skin deep, and I have more than beauty. I have an intelligent mind, a caring soul, a heart of gold, and more love in me for people than anyone you will ever know. I will give my last to you, If you cry you can use my shoulder to lean on, and I will never turn my back on you. You're probably saying to yourself a woman like that is too good to be true, but I exist and so does many more. My heart and body has been wounded, torn into pieces, and shattered so many times I have lost count. If men tend to notice the true me, and not my beauty then maybe you would appreciate me for who I am, not for what I can give to you, or do for your image. All I want is for a man to notice me in a whole, and not make prejudgements on who you think I am. I have decided that as of today, I'm gonna show everyone me. I am tired of the hurt and pain, I want some happiness for once in my life. I have learned that only one person in this life can make you happy, and that is yourself. Hello, everyone... this is me.Like this tag? Check out these Funny Myspace Pictures