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About Me

BRANIKALD - ñòàðåéøàÿ Ðóññêàÿ BM ôîðìàöèÿ, âñ¸ âðåìÿ ñâîåãî ñóùåñòâîâàíèÿ ÿâëÿâøàÿñÿ åäèíîëè÷íûì ïðîåêòîì Kaldrad'a (âîêàë è ãèòàðû), êîòîðîìó íà ðàçíûõ àëüáîìàõ ïîìîãàëè òå èëè èíûå ñåññèîííûå ìóçûêàíòû. BRANIKALD - áûë è îñòà¸òñÿ Àðèéñêèì Black Metal Èñêóññòâîì â åãî èñòèííîì, ïåðâîíà÷àëüíîì ñìûñëå.  1996-îì ãîäó Kaldrad ïèñàë î ñóùíîñòè ñâîåãî òâîð÷åñòâà: "Ìóçûêà Âîéíû íåäåëèìà íà ñôåðû, êóëüòû, âåðîâàíèÿ è èìåíà. Îíà ïîðîæäàåòñÿ êîãäà âñïûõèâàåò ïëàìÿ âíóòðè êàæäîãî, ïëàìÿ ýòî çàòìåâàåò ñîëíöå è óíè÷òîæàåò âñå íà ñâîåì ïóòè. Ýòî íåëüçÿ íàçâàòü ìóçûêîé â îáû÷íîì ïîíèìàíèè, òàê êàê ñóòü èçìåíåíà, è ñîäåðæàíèå å¸ åäèíî ëèøü ñî óðàãàíàìè, âèõðÿìè è çâóêàìè ìîðîçíûõ âîþùèõ íî÷åé. Ïîíÿòíà îíà ëèøü òåì, êòî âñòóïàåò â áèòâó íå ñîìíåâàÿñü è íå îãëÿäûâàÿñü íàçàä. Èíûå áóäóò èñêàòü â íåé ñîçâó÷èå è êðàñîòû ãàðìîíèé, íî óñëûøàâ è óáîÿâøèñü, íà÷íóò ñâîé ëàé, êàê òðóñëèâûå ïñû. Êàê íåãàðìîíè÷íû âüþãè, âåòðà è øòîðìû, êàê ìîðîçíû çèìíèå ëåñà è ðàâíèíû - òàêîâà è íàøà ìóçûêà Âîéíû, âîñïëàìåííåííàÿ â êàæäîì çâóêå. Ýòî ìóçûêà òåõ êòî íåñåò êîëüöî âñåâëàñòèÿ. Îíà íåñåò ìðàê, âå÷íûå çèìû è îïóñòîøåíèå Ðàñîâîé Âîéíû". Ñ ìîìåíòà ñâîåãî ñîçäàíèÿ â 1994-îì ãîäó, ïðîåêò çàïèñàë 13 äåìîíñòðàöèîííûõ ëåíò è àëüáîìîâ, êàæäûé èç êîòîðûõ, â òîé èëè èíîé ñòåïåíè, îòëè÷àåòñÿ îò ïðåäûäóùèõ è ïîñëåäóþùèõ. Íåêîòîðûå àëüáîìû ïðîåêòà âêëþ÷àþò â ñåáÿ óíèêàëüíûå àìáèåíòàëüíî-òðàíñîâûå ãèòàðíûå êîìïîçèöèè, â äðóãèõ ñëûøíî ÷èñòîå ïåíèå Kaldrad'a. Íèæå ïðèâîäèì ïîëíóþ äèñêîãðàôèþ BRANIKALD:"Stormheit" 1994 "To Kampf" 1995 "Varg Fjerne A Tornet" 1996 "Ðäÿíäàëèð" 1996 "Kveldulv" 1997 "Av VinterKald" 1997 "̸ä Ìèçàíòðîïèè" 1998 "Æèçíåîòðèöàíüþ Æèçíåâåðîëîìñòâî" 1998 "Õëàäàâçîð" 1999 "Âäîõíîâåíüÿ Ñòðóí Íàòÿíóòàÿ Ñòàëü" 2000 "Ðàçäóâàÿ Òèíã Âåòðîâ" 2000 "Òèíãîâ Íàñëàæäàÿñü Ðàñïðåé" 2000 "Òðèóìô Âîëè" 2001Ïîñëåäíèé àëüáîì âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ ðÿä íîâûõ äëÿ ìóçûêè ïðîåêòà ýëåìåíòîâ, òàêèõ êàê âïëåòåíèÿ White Power / R.A.C ðèôôîâ â Black Metal ìàññèâ ÷àñòè ïåñåí, à òàêæå íàðîäíîå ïåíèå â ïîñëåäíåé âåùè - "Ðå÷êà-Ðå÷åíüêà". Çèìîé 2001 îñíîâíîé ó÷àñòíèê ãðóïïû ñòàëêèâàåòñÿ ñ ïðîáëåìàìè ñ çàêîíîì - â ÷èñëå íåäîêàçàííûõ îáâèíåíèé: íåçàêîííîå íîøåíèå è èçãîòîâëåíèå îðóæèÿ, ðàçæèãàíèå íàöèîíàëüíîé è ðåëèãèîçíîé ðîçíè, à òàê æå íåîäíîêðàòíîå íàíåñåíèå òÿæêèõ òåëåñíûõ ïîâðåæäåíèé. Ïîä òÿæåñòüþ ñëîæèâøèõñÿ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâ â òâîð÷åñòâå BRANIKALD íàñòóïàåò íåêèé ïåðåðûâ, çàêîí÷èòñÿ êîòîðîìó ñóæäåíî áûëî ëèøü íåäàâíî.  òîò æå ïåðèîä Kaldrad ïðèíèìàåò ó÷àñòèå â çàïèñè àëüáîìîâ "Ãîðèçîíòû…" è "Ôðàãìåíòû", ñòàâøåãî óæå ëåãåíäàðíûì, Ðóññêîãî Pagan Metal ïðîåêòà ÒÅÌÍÎÇÎÐÜ.  íàñòîÿùèé ìîìåíò Kaldrad âåä¸ò ïîñòåïåííóþ ïîäãîòîâêó ê çàïèñè íîâîãî ìàòåðèàëà ñâîåé îñíîâíîé ãðóïïû.BRANIKALD is the one-man project of Kaldrad, who is supported by session drummers on some albums. It performs Aryan Black Metal in it's truest primeval form, sometimes with clean vocals, on some albums one could witness unique entrancing atmospheric guitar .. ambiental compositions, which is a kind of "trademark" of BRANIKALD. Back in 1996 Kaldrad wrote on his BM creations: "Music of War couldn't be divided unto the various spheres of influence, cults of these and cults of that, it couldn't be separated unto all these different faiths and the myriad of the invented names spread around. This feeling is being born when the Aryan Flame is burning in the heart of the one, the flame which eclipses the sun and devastates everything standing on it's path. It couldn't even be called "music" in the usual understanding of this term, because the essence is changed and the very substance of it could be the one only with the hurricanes, with the whirlwinds and with the sounds of the frosty howling nights. Only those could fully understand it, those who enter the battle without doubts, without looking back. Others will seek the beauty of harmonies in it, but as they will hear it, they will be frightened and they will start to bark like the cowardly dogs."Thing" here in the meaning of Warriors gathering in ancient Scandinavia) and the latest 13th album called "The Triumph of The Will" '01, which has some elements special for BRANIKALD, like clean Russian folkish singing in the last song and some heavy R.A.C.-inspired riffings blended with the usual BM ones. Winter 2001 .. 2002 Kaldrad was sentenced for the illegal weaponry, the assault and stiring up the racial hatred, so the musical activities had to stop for a while. Later Kaldrad took part in TEMNOZOR' - the cult Russian Pagan Folk Metal project, and the new BRANIKALD attacks are now being prepared slowly, but surely. Since 1994 up to the date, BRANIKALD has already recorded 13 (!) full-length demo..albums (all quite varying in music from each other):

My Interests


Member Since: 27/08/2007
Band Members: Kaldrad
Sounds Like: As unharmonical as the blizzards are, winds and the storms, as the winter forests and fields are frosty and raw - so is our Music of War, afire in each sound of it. This is the music of those who bear the Power, it brings darkness, eternal winters and the devastation of the War Between the Races..."
Record Label: Stellar Winter

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