About Me
BRANIKALD - ñòà ðåéøà ÿ Ãóññêà ÿ BM ôîðìà öèÿ, âñ¸ âðåìÿ ñâîåãî ñóùåñòâîâà Ãèÿ ÿâëÿâøà ÿñÿ åäèÃîëè÷Ãûì ïðîåêòîì Kaldrad'a (âîêà ë è ãèòà ðû), êîòîðîìó Ãà ðà çÃûõ à ëüáîìà õ ïîìîãà ëè òå èëè èÃûå ñåññèîÃÃûå ìóçûêà Ãòû. BRANIKALD - áûë è îñòà ¸òñÿ Àðèéñêèì Black Metal Èñêóññòâîì â åãî èñòèÃÃîì, ïåðâîÃà ÷à ëüÃîì ñìûñëå.  1996-îì ãîäó Kaldrad ïèñà ë î ñóùÃîñòè ñâîåãî òâîð÷åñòâà : "Ìóçûêà ÂîéÃû Ãåäåëèìà Ãà ñôåðû, êóëüòû, âåðîâà Ãèÿ è èìåÃà . ÃŽÃà ïîðîæäà åòñÿ êîãäà âñïûõèâà åò ïëà ìÿ âÃóòðè êà æäîãî, ïëà ìÿ ýòî çà òìåâà åò ñîëÃöå è óÃè÷òîæà åò âñå Ãà ñâîåì ïóòè. Ãòî Ãåëüçÿ Ãà çâà òü ìóçûêîé â îáû÷Ãîì ïîÃèìà Ãèè, òà ê êà ê ñóòü èçìåÃÃ¥Ãà , è ñîäåðæà Ãèå å¸ åäèÃî ëèøü ñî óðà ãà Ãà ìè, âèõðÿìè è çâóêà ìè ìîðîçÃûõ âîþùèõ Ãî÷åé. ÃîÃÿòÃà îÃà ëèøü òåì, êòî âñòóïà åò â áèòâó ÃÃ¥ ñîìÃåâà ÿñü è ÃÃ¥ îãëÿäûâà ÿñü Ãà çà ä. ÈÃûå áóäóò èñêà òü â Ãåé ñîçâó÷èå è êðà ñîòû ãà ðìîÃèé, Ãî óñëûøà â è óáîÿâøèñü, Ãà ÷Ãóò ñâîé ëà é, êà ê òðóñëèâûå ïñû. Êà ê Ãåãà ðìîÃè÷Ãû âüþãè, âåòðà è øòîðìû, êà ê ìîðîçÃû çèìÃèå ëåñà è ðà âÃèÃû - òà êîâà è Ãà øà ìóçûêà ÂîéÃû, âîñïëà ìåÃÃÃ¥ÃÃà ÿ â êà æäîì çâóêå. Ãòî ìóçûêà òåõ êòî Ãåñåò êîëüöî âñåâëà ñòèÿ. ÃŽÃà Ãåñåò ìðà ê, âå÷Ãûå çèìû è îïóñòîøåÃèå Ãà ñîâîé ÂîéÃû". Ñ ìîìåÃòà ñâîåãî ñîçäà Ãèÿ â 1994-îì ãîäó, ïðîåêò çà ïèñà ë 13 äåìîÃñòðà öèîÃÃûõ ëåÃò è à ëüáîìîâ, êà æäûé èç êîòîðûõ, â òîé èëè èÃîé ñòåïåÃè, îòëè÷à åòñÿ îò ïðåäûäóùèõ è ïîñëåäóþùèõ. Ãåêîòîðûå à ëüáîìû ïðîåêòà âêëþ÷à þò â ñåáÿ óÃèêà ëüÃûå à ìáèåÃòà ëüÃî-òðà Ãñîâûå ãèòà ðÃûå êîìïîçèöèè, â äðóãèõ ñëûøÃî ÷èñòîå ïåÃèå Kaldrad'a. Ãèæå ïðèâîäèì ïîëÃóþ äèñêîãðà ôèþ BRANIKALD:"Stormheit" 1994
"To Kampf" 1995
"Varg Fjerne A Tornet" 1996
"ÃäÿÃäà ëèð" 1996
"Kveldulv" 1997
"Av VinterKald" 1997
"̸ä Ìèçà Ãòðîïèè" 1998
"ÆèçÃåîòðèöà Ãüþ ÆèçÃåâåðîëîìñòâî" 1998
"Õëà äà âçîð" 1999
"ÂäîõÃîâåÃüÿ Ñòðóà Ãà òÿÃóòà ÿ Ñòà ëü" 2000
"Ãà çäóâà ÿ ÒèÃã Âåòðîâ" 2000
"ÒèÃãîâ Ãà ñëà æäà ÿñü Ãà ñïðåé" 2000
"Òðèóìô Âîëè" 2001ÃîñëåäÃèé à ëüáîì âêëþ÷à åò â ñåáÿ ðÿä Ãîâûõ äëÿ ìóçûêè ïðîåêòà ýëåìåÃòîâ, òà êèõ êà ê âïëåòåÃèÿ White Power / R.A.C ðèôôîâ â Black Metal ìà ññèâ ÷à ñòè ïåñåÃ, à òà êæå Ãà ðîäÃîå ïåÃèå â ïîñëåäÃåé âåùè - "Ãå÷êà -Ãå÷åÃüêà ". Çèìîé 2001 îñÃîâÃîé ó÷à ñòÃèê ãðóïïû ñòà ëêèâà åòñÿ ñ ïðîáëåìà ìè ñ çà êîÃîì - â ÷èñëå Ãåäîêà çà ÃÃûõ îáâèÃÃ¥Ãèé: Ãåçà êîÃÃîå ÃîøåÃèå è èçãîòîâëåÃèå îðóæèÿ, ðà çæèãà Ãèå Ãà öèîÃà ëüÃîé è ðåëèãèîçÃîé ðîçÃè, à òà ê æå ÃåîäÃîêðà òÃîå Ãà ÃåñåÃèå òÿæêèõ òåëåñÃûõ ïîâðåæäåÃèé. Ãîä òÿæåñòüþ ñëîæèâøèõñÿ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâ â òâîð÷åñòâå BRANIKALD Ãà ñòóïà åò Ãåêèé ïåðåðûâ, çà êîÃ÷èòñÿ êîòîðîìó ñóæäåÃî áûëî ëèøü Ãåäà âÃî.  òîò æå ïåðèîä Kaldrad ïðèÃèìà åò ó÷à ñòèå â çà ïèñè à ëüáîìîâ "ÃîðèçîÃòû…" è "Ôðà ãìåÃòû", ñòà âøåãî óæå ëåãåÃäà ðÃûì, Ãóññêîãî Pagan Metal ïðîåêòà ÒÅÌÃÎÇÎÃÃœ.  Ãà ñòîÿùèé ìîìåÃò Kaldrad âåä¸ò ïîñòåïåÃÃóþ ïîäãîòîâêó ê çà ïèñè Ãîâîãî ìà òåðèà ëà ñâîåé îñÃîâÃîé ãðóïïû.BRANIKALD is the one-man project of Kaldrad, who is supported by session drummers on some albums. It performs Aryan Black Metal in it's truest primeval form, sometimes with clean vocals, on some albums one could witness unique entrancing atmospheric guitar .. ambiental compositions, which is a kind of "trademark" of BRANIKALD. Back in 1996 Kaldrad wrote on his BM creations: "Music of War couldn't be divided unto the various spheres of influence, cults of these and cults of that, it couldn't be separated unto all these different faiths and the myriad of the invented names spread around. This feeling is being born when the Aryan Flame is burning in the heart of the one, the flame which eclipses the sun and devastates everything standing on it's path. It couldn't even be called "music" in the usual understanding of this term, because the essence is changed and the very substance of it could be the one only with the hurricanes, with the whirlwinds and with the sounds of the frosty howling nights. Only those could fully understand it, those who enter the battle without doubts, without looking back. Others will seek the beauty of harmonies in it, but as they will hear it, they will be frightened and they will start to bark like the cowardly dogs."Thing" here in the meaning of Warriors gathering in ancient Scandinavia) and the latest 13th album called "The Triumph of The Will" '01, which has some elements special for BRANIKALD, like clean Russian folkish singing in the last song and some heavy R.A.C.-inspired riffings blended with the usual BM ones. Winter 2001 .. 2002 Kaldrad was sentenced for the illegal weaponry, the assault and stiring up the racial hatred, so the musical activities had to stop for a while. Later Kaldrad took part in TEMNOZOR' - the cult Russian Pagan Folk Metal project, and the new BRANIKALD attacks are now being prepared slowly, but surely.
Since 1994 up to the date, BRANIKALD has already recorded 13 (!) full-length demo..albums (all quite varying in music from each other):