Gothic lifestyle, Gothic music, Gothicism, Gesamtkunstwerk, Books, Theatre, Art..
people with the same interests :)
+ gothic + gothic rock +
+ neofolk + apocaliptic folk + industrial + ambient + dark ambient + neocllasical + Classical+
+ batcave + post punk + deathrock +
+ minimal(!) elektro ...
img src=http://www.profilep
Hause of the Spirits, 200 Cigarettes, Roman pro zeny (cz), Milion Dollar Baby, the Gift, Goodby Lenin, Monster, Wir Kinder vom Banhof Zoo (film+book!)(**many films with Meryl Streep, Hilary Swank, Christina Ricci, Nicolas Cage)HOOOORROOORRR's: Nosferatu – eine Symphonie des Grauens,Dracula (& his family;)),Rosemary's Baby, Frankenstein, Psycho (1960), The Return Of The Living Dead, Vampire's Kiss :), The Hills Have Eyes, The Saw, Silence of the Lambs, Interview with the Vampire, Blair Witch Project 2, The Addams Family, Grauens, Braindead ;P ...and many other similar movies...**
sometimes new's, sometimes polish 'soap-operas' ;)
+ E.A. Poe, Ch. Baudelaire, G. Masterton, S. King, M.Shelley,Z. Krasinski, T. Rozewicz... + W.Buryla, H.Poswiatowska(...).
my mommy :)***