Reprezented Mami profile picture

Reprezented Mami

About Me

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a LiL aBouT Me..
NaMe: Samoria
NiCkNaMeZ: Reprezented Mami
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: Female
StRaiGht/GaY/Bi: Cellibate
BiRthDaY: October 4th
BiRtHpLaCe: Los Angeles
CuRrEnT LoCaTiOn: In My Mind
HeiGhT: 5'2
HaiR CoLoR: Black
EyE CoLoR: Brown
ThiNk YoUr AtTraCtiVe: Definately
CoNtAcTs/GLaSsEs?: Eyeballs
SmOkE/DriNk?: Occasionally
BeEn AtTraCteD tO ThE sAme SeX?: Cellibate
EvEr BeEn DruNk?: Yes
EvEr BeEn HiGh?: High on Life
PoPpEd PiLLs?: For a Headache
ArE yOu A ViRGiN?: I'm Cellibate
EvEr WaTcHeD PoRnO?: No
Do YoU LiKe iT?: No
ArE YoU a FrEeK-A-LeEk oR jUs NoRmaL?: Both
FeTiShEs: None
AsTrOLoGiCaL SiGn: Libra
FeArs: Failure
EvEr TaLk To YoUrSeLf?: All The Time
Do YoU CuRsE aLoT?: Sometimes
ArE YoU GuLLaBLe?: Not At All
DeMoCrAt/RePubLiCaN: LOL... Anyways
ShY oR OuTgOiNg: Inbetween
NaUgHtY oR NiCe: Inbetween
ReMeMbEr YoUr 1sT kiSs?: Never Had One
WhEn WaS iT?: During My Imagination
EvEr SnUck OuT tHe HoUse?: No
EvEr SkiPpEd ScHoOL?: Yes
EvEr ShOpLiFtEd?: Yes
GoT CauGht?: Never
LiEd To A fRiEnD?: Yes
LiEd To A Bf/Gf?: Yes
ChEaTed On A Bf/Gf?: Yes
BeEn iN a FiSt FiGhT?: Yes
TyPe Of MuSiC YoU pReFeR?: R&B
iN A GuY/GiRL..
BLoNde/BrUnEtTe: Neither
EyE CoLoR:
TyPe oF pErSoNaLiTy: Laid Back
StYLe: Street
HeIgHt: Much Taller Than Me
SHy Or OuTgOiNg?: Inbetween
AsShOLe BuT gOrGeOus oR SweEthEaRt BuT UgLy(iSh)?: Neither
ThiS oR THaT..
StAy iNsiDe oR gO oUt?: Go Out
FaT FrEe Or FULL oF CaRbs?: Fat Free
StRaWbERriEs PLaiN oR w/ WhiPpEd CreAm And ChoCoLaTE?: Plain
FaSt FoOD oR HoMECOoKiNg?: Home Cooking
NiGhT oR DaY?: Night
MaKE-OuT oR CuDdLe?: Both
SLoW DaNce Or FrEeKy?: Both
FaSt oR sLoW?: Both
- or -

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