~Nezumi-Kun~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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So I have to say, its really difficult for me to write something about me. But i can say i am a really funny person, I love it to laugh and i love it to bring other people to smile ^^ My name is anne and i live in the near of berlin. Music is my life!!! i can play a bit keyboard and now i try to learn guitar, my guitar called "Waka" XD so love it!
my family and friends mean the world for me, they have to say "hey" only and i..m there!!! i learn english, japanese and spanish, so maybe you can help me to improve it ^^
okay so see you

MSN ???
yeah i have, but for my friends only ^^
"you know who it is ???" ^^
Contact Tables SuG mit "Love Scream Party" love these guys ^^

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Green swirls~n~Black

My Interests

J-Rock, draw, music, play guitar, cook, read, watch TV, cinema, mit Freunden am alex abgammeln ^^ (meet friends),concerts and my cudies: Billy, Tiffy, Sydney, Lolita, Toshio und Tara ^^

"Alice Nine"... the new way - Alpha -

I'd like to meet:

Michelle Rodriguez, Mayu Shinjo, the guys from Alice Nine, SuG, An Cafe ^^ and Mr. Right ^^ and of course many cool people, wich are crazy like me ^^ and love the funny things in live ^^

This guys are so funny and kawaii ^^ love it brbr .. An Cafe - "Ryusei Rocket"


Alice Nine

"An Cafe" - .::Nyappy::.


all about horror ^^, but also lovestorys like mitten ins herz, but favorite: [REC] = Renn um dein Leben... Aber lass die Kamera laufen!!! ("Pablo, was machen die da??? Pablo, was siehst du???") XD, the hills have eyes, wrong turn 1+2, the breed, saw 1-4, scream 1-3, herr der ringe, resident evil 1-3, final destination 2+3, dawn of the dead, und tim burton filme z.B. big fish oder charlie und die schokoladenfarbrik (eben nin bissel was abgedrehtes ^^)

der graf bei mystica XD


"Saga... LOUDER" Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs ^^


allet von Stephen King, besonders Cujo und das Mädchen habens mir angetan und natürlich "losing neverland" von fahr (eine bewundernswerte person, die ich sehr schätze ^^ hab dir lüb!), Vampire Knight really cool^^ ,Cute Guy, Haou Airen, Kaikan Phrase and Virgin Crisis, (...love mayu shinjo... ^^), LOVELESS "Ritsuka is sooooooo cute ^^"

"bite me..."

Hakuron - a sexy guy and he know it ^^


Tora from alicenine.

I have made this video, to remember on the poor children wich get forgotten, please help if you can ^^

My Blog

Review Losing Neverland 2

Review: Losing Neverland 2 +Moloch+ Mit Losing Neverland 2 hat Fahr Sindram eine wirklich emotionale und ergreifende Fortsetzung gezeichnet. Wie auch im ersten Band muss sich Laurie in der grausamen ...
Posted by ~Nezumi-Kun~ on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:13:00 PST

J-Rock Invasion Episode 1 in Cologne... its was awesome ^^

hey guys,so now i´m not more tired. ^^on sunday i ride with my 2 friends Lisa and Maggie, witha train to Cologne.We traveled 5 hours by ICE train. So in Cologne we have to find the Palladium, we found...
Posted by ~Nezumi-Kun~ on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 10:02:00 PST

An Cafe in Berlin ^^

Hey Leute, endlich ist es soweit, An Cafe machen eine Tour durch Europa!!! Und natürlich kommen sie auch nach Berlin. Sie spielen am 19.3.08 um 20:00 uhr im Columbia Club. Man Man Man darauf wart ich ...
Posted by ~Nezumi-Kun~ on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 06:40:00 PST