J-Rock, draw, music, play guitar, cook, read, watch TV, cinema, mit Freunden am alex abgammeln ^^ (meet friends),concerts and my cudies: Billy, Tiffy, Sydney, Lolita, Toshio und Tara ^^
"Alice Nine"... the new way - Alpha -
I'd like to meet:
Michelle Rodriguez, Mayu Shinjo, the guys from Alice Nine, SuG, An Cafe ^^ and Mr. Right ^^
and of course many cool people, wich are crazy like me ^^
and love the funny things in live ^^
This guys are so funny and kawaii ^^ love it
An Cafe - "Ryusei Rocket"
Alice Nine
"An Cafe" - .::Nyappy::.
all about horror ^^, but also lovestorys like mitten ins herz,
but favorite: [REC] = Renn um dein Leben... Aber lass die Kamera laufen!!! ("Pablo, was machen die da??? Pablo, was siehst du???") XD, the hills have eyes, wrong turn 1+2, the breed, saw 1-4, scream 1-3, herr der ringe, resident evil 1-3, final destination 2+3, dawn of the dead, und tim burton filme z.B. big fish oder charlie und die schokoladenfarbrik (eben nin bissel was abgedrehtes ^^)
der graf bei mystica XD
"Saga... LOUDER" Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs ^^
allet von Stephen King, besonders Cujo und das Mädchen habens mir angetan
und natürlich "losing neverland" von fahr (eine bewundernswerte person, die ich sehr schätze ^^ hab dir lüb!), Vampire Knight really cool^^ ,Cute Guy, Haou Airen, Kaikan Phrase and Virgin Crisis, (...love mayu shinjo... ^^), LOVELESS "Ritsuka is sooooooo cute ^^"
"bite me..."
Hakuron - a sexy guy and he know it ^^
Tora from alicenine.
I have made this video, to remember on the poor children wich get forgotten, please help if you can ^^