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"DaNcE LiKe n0 0nE iS wAtChiNg, L0vE LiKe y0u'LL nEvEr bE hUrT, SiNg LiKe n0 0nE iS LisTeNiNg, LiVe LikE iT's HeAvEn 0n EaRtH"
"We ThE uNwiLLiNg, LeD bY tHe UnKn0wInG, R d0iNg ThE iMpoSSibLe, 4 tHe UnGraTeFuLL. wE hAvE d0nE s0 mUcH 4 s0 L0nG WitH s0 LiTTlE, wE R n0w QuAliFiEd 2 d0 aNyThiNg WiTh n0ThinG..."
t00 ofTeN wE uNdErEsTiMaTe ThE p0wEr 0f A t0uCh, A sMiLe, A kiNd w0rD, a LiStEniNg eAr, aN h0nEsT c0mPliMeNt, 0r tHe sMaLLesT aCt 0f CaRiNg, aLL 0f wHiCh HaVe tHe p0tEnTiAl t0 tUrN a LiFe aR0uNd. Pe0pLe c0mE iNt0 oUr LiVes f0r a ReAs0n, a sEaSoN, 0r a LiFeTiMe. EmBrAcE aLL eqUaLLy!
"GurLz FaKe 0rGaSmS... GuYz FaKe ReLaTi0nShiPs"
"Th0sE wHo NeVeR Fr0wN eVeNtUaLLy BrEaK d0wN"
My name is Erika, but u can call me Princess, Princess E or E Money Bagg$! lol (thats wat they call me at Spencers!) Im 23 years old . I werk all day everyday tryin to get some bread t go bak 2 skool. I love all kinds of animals, except snakes and bugs. im actually bored and would like to chat with others who are bored and have somethin to say. I really don't like trying to describe myself and my personality with words, U'll just have to chat with me to find out wat im like!.... No HaTas!