CooKiNg, ReaDiNg BookS and FaShioN MaGaZiNe, WaTcHiNg MoViEs, wAtcHiNg GigS, pLaYiNg BiLliArDs, sHopPiNg, NiGhT Out (gimik)SuRfiNg tHe NeT, Etc...
-Someone who knows how to respect and value others. A person with a good and pure heart. A person who is sensitive enough, with the feelings of others and who doesn't use someone for his own benefits.And most of all someone who is God fearing and someone who knows how listen to his inner voice.-
HipHop, R and B, Classic Jazz, Acoustic....
-Too ManY to MeNtIon-
HaRry PoTteR, SwEet VaLleY hIgh, ThE SmaRt and ThE BeaUtiFuL...