//Dujuan aka DMP aka Dash! enjoy my page...
Basically, I like to see myself as some sort of a graphic designer. Designing is my ambition and I like to see it as my way forward in life. I’m currently trying to move my one man business 'dMP.designs' so far no recognition, but time will hopefully pay off (if this career flops then ill fall back on accounting or something…). Designers around me have a bigger influence towards me than the larger companies out there (I would however prefer to work for a higher business). One of the biggest inspirations I have had is Ceaser himself, he has motivated me since secondary school, and to this day we're in the same graphics class in college. I began this movement with anime/manga art, but my interest towards it has declined, however I still like to do a few sketches form time to time. These days I enjoy photo editing and spend most of my free time on Photoshop (as you can see). I don’t mind anyone asking for a design and I wouldn’t mind a small payment here and there... lol. So basically this page is a small section of my life. I hope you like it!//msn-request only.//Hold tyt ma family and all da mandem JoBoski, Caz, Flintz, Ceaser, Elldott, Guesty and all da rest of ma bredrins from way back!! hold tyt coulsdon college! Oh yeah and hold tyt all ma gyals, i dont kno wat i'll do without u!
//Take a look at some of my designs below and enjoy.//