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About Me

WeLcOmE tO tHe pAgE oF JuAn CoRoNaDo!

Everyone has heard the cliché phrase you can’t judge a book by its cover and this applies for myself.Upon first glance my family + being successful=ME.I've lived a full life so far. Do not underestimate my personality and experience. The one thing that makes me happy in life is accomplishing something to validate my existence... If you just roll threw life with out goals and ambitions you will never do anything. "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring… And when it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I’m already better than them." — Marylin MonroeI am a SaLeS aNd sErViCe SpEcIaLiSt fOr BaNk oF AmEriCa.. As a BaNker I haNdle hoMe loAns/new accounts!! <6+ys and going>I have been exposed to my parents hardwork and dedication to get what I want.I am determined, and will continue to strive to earn everything I have.I am a hoMe oWnEr iN tHe SaNtA CrUz County. You wiLL uSuaLLy fiNd mE aT @ Imura's or Miyuki's during lunch hOuRs!!! (ItS aLL aBoUt tHe SaKe TeMpuRa) On SuNdays yOu wiLL fiNd me @ Twin LAkEs ChuRcH oVeR in ApToS.I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. GOd has led me to believe I can fall back on something like a deity.I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seem today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.For example,David Beckham is has much success in his life,willing to do whatever it takes. It inspires me to be just as SUPERIOR.I AM MOTIVATED BY the MOST ELITE. Striving each day for what I long for makes me supreme.I cant appreciate people who are not wiLLing to make their liVes better!!! I will, however, reply to you if:You can start up a decent conversation.We share interests.I think we can benefit from one another.LIVING HAS MEANING.dont want. desire.dont leave. let go.dont influence. inspire.dont just do things with feeling. do things with passion” myspace is not my life,but it is my next phone so leave a message if u must need me.EVeryday is a new story & I'm ready to tell it. Open a new d00r, you might find new opportunites for groWth and being successful.THINK oNLy fOr the best , work onLy for the best, and eXpect the BEST. Forget the MistAkEs of the past and pReSs on to the greater achiEvEments of the FUTURE!!!

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BTW i LoVe iMuRa'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i LoVe mY NeiCe!!!!!!!!!!