Jesus,art,anthropology,chai tea lattes, dancing in any form at any time,Lady and LB, my adopted dog Brewster, and my best friend Mare
People who feel the same way about the momentum of the revolution of our generation. People who know what's to come, and live their lives for it.
His forHandy
Eis forEmotional
Ais forAmbitious
Tis forTempting
His forHonorable
Eis forEarthy
Ris forRare
What Does Your Name Mean?
Death Cab For Cutie!,Say Anything, Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins, Misty Edwards,The Decemberists, Plain White Tees, Frou Frou,Jack Johnson,Panic! At the Disco, Damien Rice, Postal Service, M83, Doves,Foo Fighters,Dispatch,James Blunt,Jonah Werner,Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Dashboard,My Chemical Romance, Bright Eyes, Incubus, and Fall Out Boy to name a few...
The Fountain, Chicago, A League of Their Own, Gladiator,Harry Potter, Fight Club, American Beauty, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
The Bible, Captivating, Reviving Ophelia,The Fountainhead, Blue Like Jazz, Screwtape Letters, The Cult of Thinness