MuSiC \ RaNdOm ThOuGhTs |
Ok so Im listening to my mp3 player and as I listen I start to think. Music is my thinking cap.... as odd as that sounds, It is also an inspiration and a healing thing. I do have some really dark thou... Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 01:19:00 GMT |
Im LoViNg..... |
My Twist of Fate dvd......... oh and the shirt. Its the Shiz!
They could have discussed more, and put some better matches on there but all the same, Im still loving it!
I just thought that I wo... Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 10:32:00 GMT |
TaGGeD |
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ten people to be tagged, list their names and why you chose them.... Posted by on Sat, 10 May 2008 14:19:00 GMT |
InCoHeReNt RaMbLiNgS of a Bored BeCkY |
My brother Matt is in Jail, for getting his underage girlfriend pregnant. He could be stayng there for all I know. I dont really know whats going on with him lately. I cant visit him, becaus... Posted by on Wed, 07 May 2008 17:53:00 GMT |
As time goes on and the Future slowly becomes the present, I find myself thinking more about the past. I find myself thinking about all the things that I use to do and all the people that I used to k... Posted by on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 21:54:00 GMT |
I had to post some things. Even though no one reads what I have to say anyway. Buuut here goes...
There was/is this person that I was seriously considering giving up on, you know cutting all ties, bu... Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:52:00 GMT |
Have you ever felt like you are stuck somewhere
I can truly say that I do
I am stuck in a place that I can never leave
no matter how badly that I want to.
And it doesnt matter how old I get
I'll be ... Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 13:20:00 GMT |
Thinkng of You |
Here I am all alone again
Still thinking about the one I can never kiss
Still thinkng about the one I can never hold
Still so afraid that I will end it like this.
I dont want t... Posted by on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:00:00 GMT |
"In Loving Memory" - Alter BridgeThanks for all you've doneI've missed you for so longI can't believe you're goneYou still live in meI feel you in the windYou guide me constantlyI've never knew what i... Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 17:51:00 GMT |
I felt a horrid pain today
a pain that took my breath away
a pain that hurt down deep inside
a pain that has left me emotionally fried
There is no one to take this pain away
no one to help me through... Posted by on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 20:08:00 GMT |