About Me
I am a very serious atrist looking to take it all the way with my music. I am very open minded and very diverse. I'm into all different genres of music. Although I already work with extremely talented people, I have an open network to work with any serious people in the music industry looking to work with me on new projects. For as long as I can remember I've been touched by the sound of music. It's like a life growing inside me, ripening for it's entrance into the world. We grow together....our thoughts, feelings, our energy, our passion. For me it's a way of life. I live and breathe it. There is no one that can take that from me. I can find music in everything, in everyone....especially in all of you...in all the people of the world. Nomatter what goes on we all come together through music. Even when things are not going well, and my energy is down, its the music I hear, I listen to, that recharges my soul....and in time, I'm right back up again. See when I wake up in the morning I hear music. Before I close my eyes at night I hear music. I no longer hear it while I'm sleeping because I am no longer dreaming it, I'm living it. Working hard as a solo artist, singer/songwriter/performer, I continue to better myself through training and experience. I also surround myself with great people everyday. People who bring me up, not down. I thank eveyone for their support and dedication: my beatiful family, my loyal friends, my incredible manager Frank Senna, my talented choreographers Dancin Dav and Rachael Perelli...my current dancers , my amazing producers Mike Cash and Josh Glazer, who take me on an emotional journey through every studio session, through every track they produce for me. I thank "EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU" for believing in me, for your honesty, your constructive criticism, your advice, your love, and your support. It shows u care and it makes me work harder and without all of you, I'd be nothing. We can't do it alone. Together we arise, because we are PASSIONATE...............MissMichelleimg src="http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd135/MissMichelle77
7/DSC_0011-1-1.jpg"img src="http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd135/MissMichelle77