Steve profile picture


I'm a slow-motion accident lost in coffee rings and fingerprints.

About Me

I am a pretend scientist trapped in the body of a business person. If only, I could spend my days caring for giant tortoises, instead of giant accounting systems!

My Interests

Lets see.. Oh.. Fish, Reptiles, All Animals in General. Bugs, and Insects.. ahhh plants. Computer Languages, Databases, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering. Modern Art, Surrealism, Pop Art, Art Deco.. Baking Cake, Breads mmmm.. goodness. Reverse engineering all good food sold everywhere. Victoria Secret Fashion Parades


Thomas Alva Edison, Tim Flannery, Seth MacFarlane, Zach Braff, Rene Magritte, Claude Monet, Imogen Heap, Charles Darwin, Harriet The Tortoise, Cake and Walt Disney...