The band FEEBLE MINDED meet with an echoes fromsurrounding in 1998 after recording stuff MEANWHILE WE'REALIVE. In 1999 -fm- had played plenty of gigs also with morefamous bands.
In autumn 1999 the new guitarist Erik followed the band and -fm-played only new material. The promo named CML-5 wasreleased - 5 songs recorded at home. Racy death music with grindinfluence made the band ready to play more gigs and fests.
A record HATE FEELING was sampled in November 2000and released as a split CD with LIMITS OF NESCIENT inMarch 2001. The CD was released by GRODHAISNProductions together with COPREMESIS Rec.
In the following two years, -fm- had played about 60 concerts in theCzech Republic and abroad. In 2002, Erik was replaced by the newguitarist Banjo and our electronic drums were replaced by livedrummer David at the end of the year.
The year 2003 has been dedicated to CD MY ANOREXIA,that was released at GRODHAINS Prods. again. It's a firstrecording with the live drummer (six pieces are played by Lille ofGerman DEFEATED SANITY, one by David). -fm- are stillreceiving very positive comments on the CD and live shows.
Another changes in the end of 2004 comes on guitarist anddrummer posts. Instead of Banjo was Erik back and David wasreplaced by Wena. In year 2005 Erik leaves -fm- again. Livepresents -fm- material from the last CD and brand new stuff only.
In September 2006 was released DVD-R NOTHING BUTDEATH with new material and two video-clips.