Joseph Balsamo profile picture

Joseph Balsamo

About Me

Growin' up my dad instilled a love for music of all kinds in me, some of my fondest memories are makin' the records on his turntable skip bacause we were dancin' to hard ........ As for my history/journey as a musician I started young with the cello and shifted focus to the trumpet sometime in grade school. I really had a hard time existing in the structure of the band, so at the first opporitunity to jet, I did. I got my first guitar at sixteen, an fender electric with a practice amp and immediately began to annoy everybody and anybody within a mile's radius of my chicago suburban home. The acoustic guitar followed shortly after, as well did singing and songwriting. Music has ever since been completely entwined into my life.In the latest chapter of my musical journey I have been sharing my music with others, first in my community of friends and co-workers, in the last couple years the small handfulls of folks that have come out to see me play out in Bend, and now to all who care to listen on the web and anywhere else I might end up laying.Thanks for checkin' my page out, I hope you like what you hear, Bear
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My Interests


Member Since: 25/08/2007
Band Website: Email: [email protected]
Band Members: Just Littlle ol' me on the guitar and the mic, maybe a friend or two clappin hands, stompin' feet
Record Label: Unsigned

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