I've seen the outer reaches of the cosmos. Once it was even shown to me on the comfort of my own couch. Fortunately the mirage faded, and the universe collapsed back into the microcosm to which I'm accustomed. At this point I mostly get blank stares or assured nods from heads that have left my company, now wandering a location of their own.
Life is funny. The fake smiles people flatter you with when you've uttered something completely beyond their grasp. I try not to do this too much. Most people can, if they tried, understand the words and concepts of which I speak. But thinking takes effort and time, things almost entirely consumed by our society. Who has time to stop and think when a mortgage is late, the kids are sick, and Jimmy just can't seem to get that promotion no matter how hard he tries.
This is me. A lone voice in the wilderness of human trafficking, transfixed by all the bells and whistles. I'm working my way out of the spiderweb, but that bitch has tightly woven thread. I'm a nice guy for the most part, and not all my conversations are this deep. Most of the time though, this is the pillow on which my mind rests. I still know how to laugh, and how to have good ole mindless fun. If you, like me are not content with the reality you've been force fed, message me, I wanna talk.