The Lord is the love of my life! I truly believe that your past is not your point of reference. So please do not assume i judge everyone I meet, because God is the one true judge:and I ain't him! I absolutely love nothing more than just living life with joy in my heart, having compassion for people, and growing everyday in the word! We cant have anyone else's life, so we have to start enjoying the one God gave us, cause you don't get another one.
i have the most amazing family in the world, a cool career, and I am a child of God! What more could a girl ask for??? Well besides for everyone to walk in love/world peace!
i believe the road we have traveled to get to where we are going, is simply our testimony for when we get there.
God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things i cannot change,
the COURAGE to change the things I can,
and the WISDOM to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
ACCEPTING hardships as the pathway to PEACE.
TAKING, as He did , this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
TRUSTING that he will make all things right, and supremely happy
in this life
Forever and the next
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When you find that "THING" that is bigger than yourself... then and only then will you truly be able to love.
Then and only then, will you give of yourself freely, and no longer be selfish.
But until you learn to love yourself... you will never be able to fully love another the way they should and deserve to be loved!
Because love is not selfish. You cannot force love, you can only open the way!