Well I met him a year and a half ago. Now we are married!I love him with all my heart and soul! I will never let anything bad happen to him. We are planning to move to Austin, Texas. We really want to be closer to his daughter. I finally met my soulmate, and we are matched perfectly. I wish I had met him earlier in my life. I have been searching for him all my life and I never knew it. I would also like to meet the president ( just to tell him how i feel about him and his poilitics).I don't get it....life just doesn't always make sense or add up the way I think it should, and it throws stuff right back in my face... It really makes me stop and think about what is going on and what really matters, what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false, what is real and what is fake, what is up and what is down, who cares and who doesn't....and what should really matter in life...the thoughts just pour out and sometimes it just doesn't let you go it consumes all your energy and thoughts, your emotions get mixed in and then sometimes it just makes you fall apart... I just don't understand sometimes... I am not saying my life isn't wonderful, because it truly is and it has some of the most awesome people in it, I am just in one of those rough patches, it's just some times in life it feels like no matter what you do, it will never be right, it will never work out, or it will never be good enough... I am not one to let go of things easily, as some know, and sometimes I get so consumed with things that it interferes with life itself and I am trying to change that, and have my closest people helping me to change that (you know who you are) but for now I am just frustrated and have those thoughts and emotions that won't let me go... My life as in anyones has problems, things that just don't seem right, and I know that , but I guess I am just having those moments.. and need at least just a little bit of release...