nanea profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

.LOVE my BOYFRIEND chris. MISS my SISTERS kahea and maile dearly. ADORE my NEPHEWS max and eli.would LOVE to see my PARENTS more often. TOO much more YEARS of school. NOT enough HOURS in a day. absolutely LOVE to go SWIMMING with wormer. SBD is the greatest thing EVER.will be SUCCESSFUL. air beds SUCK. mr.clean MAGIC ERASERS make me happy. LOVE to WEAR dresses. TOO much shoes. LOVE leopard print. PLASTIC cups smell FUNNY. MCD's happy meal says hello kitty IS my BEST FRIEND.more MONEY more PROBLEMS. addicted to FEBREEZE.make LOVE not WAR. TOO much PILLOWS in bed.we don't have LIGHTS on our CEILING. LACY SHEEEEERS is an awesome SONG. PAY for parking on OAHU wtf?. MISS maui. NEED to visit KAUAI soon. PAPASAN chairs are COMFY. LOVE my neighbors FREE internet.RENT is CRAZY. HAPPINESS runs in a CIRCULAR motion.meat is MURDER and murder tastes GOOD. i'm RIGHT on top of that ROSE!

My Interests

LOVE cooking (unless i'm forced to do it), any kind of shopping..especially grocery shopping, sleeping, i LOVE to loaf, swimming, going on dates, underwear, surprises, sanrio,LOVE presents,staying home and being a good housegirlfriend.

I'd like to meet:

.paulwalker.ryufromstreetfighter.hellokitty.marilynmanson.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


whatevers....i kinda like everything. oh yeah, except gives me headaches.argh!


i'm a sucker for sappy movies.......not really into scary movies but i watch them anyways.(apparently i have no say in what comes in from netflix)


we don't have one yet:-( BOOOOOOOOOO!! k now we have one, but we don't have cable. 10/26/07 we got cable and it's THE greatest thing EVER!!!! i've been stuck on national geographic lately aaaah it's awesome :-) shark+whale=shwhale


hmmmmmmmmmmm well the only book i've been reading lately is the sbd book..soon it'll be school books. i don't really read for fun. but i should. now it's pharmacology. AND i got this book about Marilyn


Maximus and Eliam! they're my favorite!