my name is josh but everyone calls me Isaac, i like to draw a lot I have a deviant art account under the name of diaboso , i like to read all the time I will read just about any ficinal type including historical fiction , and I like to post on forums and art sights. i'm currently going to college at Fairmont State University and a graphic design major.Im 6' 1", short brown/blond hair, dark blue eyes, glasses.
I like Chinese, sea food, Mexican food, hell I like most foods, I love apple juice and cant live without it but Dr pepper makes an acceptable substitute. In not that physically active yet im in good shape, I can do hard labor in a pinch and im good with my hands. I have lots of animal and construction eperiance and I love cats. I like art and draw when ever I can but I cant paint or use other medioms.
I like poems but I can't write them at all. I also love nature and old arcistrual photos.
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