The Last Dinosaur profile picture

The Last Dinosaur

I'm like a balloon.If you weren't holding on to me,I'd float away.

About Me

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Extended Network Banners Well My name is Becca and I live in San Antonio right now but I really live in McAllen. I attend Our Lady of the Lake University.Im a total dork and pretty random but when you first meet me Im kinda shy but I warm up to people and sooner or later you will get to know the real me. Im sensitve and the type of girl who sings to songs in the car, I love 80's movies,songs, tv shows, toys everything 80s! lol Im a vegetarian.Im studying to be a Journalist with a minor in Screenplay ^_^Umm yeah thats about it.. :D
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My Interests

Stuff that floats my boat..... The 80's adult swim animals anime art astrology books bubbles care bears cartoons cats cds cemetaries clothes clouds computers, concerts converse poetry david gough day dreaming drawing dreams drr duckys edgar allan poe faries filming foamy make-up music green gum hair styles halloween hockey horror hugs jewlery johnny depp kittens magizines mangas moon movies my cats my dog nail polish paul frank photography pictures piercings pokey posters prozac ps2purple rain rings sleep snl sprite sprits stars stickers stuffed animals super nintendo tattoos techno the vampire chronicles thunder tim burton tinkerbell vegetarians water, winter witchcraft writing zodiac

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp duh!!
Trent ^_^
Jared Lato ♥
David Bowie!!! ♥Travis!!!


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My mom, Sara Cozad and Simara Rose

My Blog

Summer 06!!!

WOohoo this is my first blog yay!well a lot has happend lately and I have spent most of my summer in San Antonio because of the crappy ESP program. I was at Our Lady of the Lake for 6 weeks and that ...
Posted by ♥I CaN fEeL pAiN tOo ♥ on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 10:18:00 PST