Stuff that floats my boat..... The 80's adult swim animals anime art astrology books bubbles care bears cartoons cats cds cemetaries clothes clouds computers, concerts converse poetry david gough day dreaming drawing dreams drr duckys edgar allan poe faries filming foamy make-up music green gum hair styles halloween hockey horror hugs jewlery johnny depp kittens magizines mangas moon movies my cats my dog nail polish paul frank photography pictures piercings pokey posters prozac ps2purple rain rings sleep snl sprite sprits stars stickers stuffed animals super nintendo tattoos techno the vampire chronicles thunder tim burton tinkerbell vegetarians water, winter witchcraft writing zodiac
Johnny Depp duh!!
Trent ^_^
Jared Lato ♥
David Bowie!!!
Music Video Codes - MySpace Codes - Funny Videos
Pictures in a Scroll Box
My mom, Sara Cozad and Simara Rose