Welcome to the myspace page for Miss Gay Lake O' The Pines USofA!! We are happy to announce that Aspen Tyler is Miss Gay Lake O' The Pines USofA 2008. Alexis Nicole Whitney from San Antonio also represented the contest at the National Pageant and made the Top 12!Breaking News!!! Alexis Nicole Whitney wins People's Choice AwardUpdate!!! Unfortunately, Miss Gay Lake O' The Pines has been postponed until after MGUSofA2009. Best of luck to all the girls!!Miss Gay Lake O' The Pines is The Best Regional Preliminary of 2008ColeSlaw Productions wins Businessman of the Year Award!Please visit www.lakeothepines.usMiss Gay Lake O' The Pines 2009 is currently scheduled for Sunday February 15, 2009 in The Rose Room at S4! We will of course keep you posted on that information as it becomes final!Please visit www.lakeothepines.usCharley and Zach
Aspen Tyler in Talent
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