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About Me

Criminale spietato, dotato di intelligenza diabolica, abilissimo nei travestimenti e megalomane, organizza intrighi delittuosi complessi e con fini ambiziosi. Egli riesce sempre a sfuggire al suo nemico giurato, l'ispettore Juve e all'alleato di questi, il giornalista Jerôme Fandor. Ora vive in Italia, località non pervenuta.Fantômas is first and foremost a sociopath who enjoys killing in a sadistic fashion. He is totally ruthless, gives no mercy, and is loyal to none, not even his own children. He is a master of disguise, always appearing under an assumed identity, often that of a person whom he has murdered. Fantômas makes use of bizarre and improbable techniques in his crimes, such as plague-infested rats, giant snakes, and rooms that fill with sand. Now it lives in Italy. Secret locality!Appelé également le "génie du crime", Fantômas se dit le "maître de tout et de tous". C'est le plus grand criminel de tous les temps, qui n'hésite pas à torturer et à tuer pour arriver à ses fins. Son seul point faible est sa fille, Hélène. Il a également une très grande intelligence.

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