Music, video games, writing, composing, creating, recording, sleep, eating, cooking, wine, wine, wine.
I suppose anyone that's got something interesting to say. Or if not interesting, then at least uncommon. Or if nothing to say, is at least gorgeous.
Sufjan Stevens, Death Cab for Cutie, Smashing Pumpkins, Tori Amos, Radiohead, PJ Harvey, Bright Eyes, Wilco, The Beatles, Weezer, Jimmy Eat World, Bjork, Charles Mingus, The Smiths, Badly Drawn Boy, Fiona Apple, Coldplay, Elbow, Keane, Low, etc
I don't really have favorite movies. It's not the same as music - I can't watch one movie over and over again like I can when it comes to albums or songs. I love lots and lots of different movies. But, I mean...if the number of times you've seen a movie equates to it being your "favorite", then my favorite movie is probably Showgirls, which is just disgusting. Fucking disgusting.
I don't have a TV, so I don't really "watch TV". But of course the internet is the giver of all things good if you have some know-how and a relative dearth of ethical standards. So while I don't "watch TV", here are the shows I've seen which I like. The Sopranos, The West Wing, Six Feet Under, 24, Family Guy, Real Time w/ Bill Mahr, Battlestar Galactica (it's really good and if you haven't seen it, you should. Get over the silly name.)
Ah, how I love me some books. I'm a nerd and like reading philosophy texts, even though I am no longer forced to do so. I have also rekindled an interest in contemporary writing, since I used to be a snob and thought that every good book that could be written was published before 1960. Turns out there's a couple gems.
Every child that finds the courage to smile. Every small animal that hops or glides through meadows littered with land mines. Every worthless and talentless celebrity twat who faces the trauma and ignominy of rehab or county jail. And you, my friend.