Musico lirico con algunos años disfrutando la musica, he contemplado el arte de la guitarra desde los 19 años, participe en algunos proyectos dentro de la localidad formando parte de la banda de rock ANTITESIS en el cual se logro grabar algunos demos y tambien se participo en un cd ya mas profesional con bandas de todo el estado de Sinaloa titulandoce el cd ROCK SINALOA, imparti 2 años clases de guitarra en el
INSTITUTO SENDA y en KONZERT escuela de musica, forme parte de un grupo para eventos sociales AMERICA COLONIAL en el cual aprendi bastante por el hecho de que se manejaban varios generos, he particiapdo con otro musicos en otras cuestiones musicales, hoy en dia sigo disfrutando la guitarra en mis tiempos libres, y sigo compartiendo lo que se interpretar.------------------------------------------------
Im a self taugh guitar player with some years enjoying music, I have enjoying the art of the guitar since i was 19 year old ,i have participated in some projects within the locality forming part of the rock band ANTITESIS in which i recorded some demos.I participated in a professional CD with bands of all the state of Sinaloa the cd title was ROCK SINALOA,i gave 2 years guitar lessons in the INSTITUTE SENDA and KONZERT music school,i was a member of the group for social events COLONIAL AMERICA in which i learned a lot because several styles of music were played,also i have participated with another musicians in different musical still enjoying playing guitar on my free time and sharing my knowledge to my friends.----------------------------------------------------
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