finding myself in an aubrey beardsley painting. for once in my life, i cannot stay in bed. i adore what i work hard for. velvet paintings of peacocks, peacock earrings, peacock asses. i need more skulls. maybe i'll be buried standing up. framed ophelias. don't shrink me gypsy, for i am one of you!
dice rollers. mascara damaged art drunks. consistency. harmonica players. writers who touch beautiful things. sung kang. the season following my discontent. a ukulele teacher.
georges brassens. babyshambles. dan deacon. bat for lashes, although it was kicking and screaming. the chinese. stereo total. man&man. WeAreTerrorists. builders and the butchers. mogwai. uffie. krs-one. CSS. jose gonzales. feist. the presets. will oldham/bonnie prince. IUD SIS. uketron bitches (my first band). jolie holland. talk talk! a silver mt. zion. ghostland observatory. seu jorge. film school (fat bob's long lost son). long distance banjo in the bathtub. sisters of mercy. seven fingered pharoah. the punk group. wolf parade. miss kittin. devendra banhart. tv on the radio. dj sharon needles. blue mercedes. doc boggs. george michael. r.kelly. this lil band from santa cruz called FOOT FOOT, check them out. mary j., i still love faith no more, jordi- so dancey!!! can. le tigre. sabbath. and seattle favs: aveo, hint hint, murder city devils, JUNO, JUNO, JUNO, himsa, kinski, yeow.
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i'm not here. the motel. Shortbus-- gorgeous!!! The Devil and Daniel Johnston- heart-warming/wrenching. MFING Jacob's Ladder. Bronx Tale. Annie Hall- i wore a tie for a month after diane keaton rocked it.. Blade Runner (finally. and sooo coool.) Sexy Beast (thanks ms. carrue!), Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (damn!), Stranger than Fiction, Pooing back and forth forever, Door in the Floor, Fat Girl, Drop Dead Fred, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Old Boy, Kontrol, Squid and the Whale, Howard the Duck, the Virgin Suicides, Paris is Burning, Princess and the Warrior, True Romance, Secretary, L.I.E., Total Recall (best 'i'm sickface' movie ever), Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, Dead Bjork Walking, Frida, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Last of the Mohicans, Long Hot Summer, Donnie Darko, Like Water for Chocolate, The Good Old Naughty Days, the Princess Bride, the School of Rock, Kissed, unfound in japanese interpretation (repeat), Sylvia, anything that humanizes.
marquee moon is classic. tim and eric awesome show 'great job!'. america's next top bottle. the bluthes. any sarko interview, sexy sexy.
PLEASURRRE READING! Finally. Le Petit Prince, Rushdie's "fury", excellent! the Bell Jar, Cindy Sherman: Retrospective, Hamlet, Naseau, Stargirl, Book of Nods/ Fear of Dreaming, Ender's Game, L'Etranger, Still Life with Woodpecker, Anne Sexton Collection, anything my sister buys for me; she owns 1/3 of the knowledge in my head! I need to read Zola, and am currently juggling le petit prince en francais and no exit un autre fois, middlesex, and a guide to paris. Proust to understand past lovers, and Duras to understand the current ones. the gentle existentialism of Modiano.
the selfless, linguists, smokers, Patsy, wordsmiths, people shooting wayward bullets, snot faces, power couples, hot french teachers, anti-heros, scientists, lyrical junos, students conquering the fear- one country at a time (taylor and lindsey).
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