Books, knitting, yoga, cats, my niece, music...
People who make me laugh
Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Cyndi Lauper, The Cars, Aerosmith (old school through Get a Grip), God Lives Underwater, Nine Inch Nails, pritty much most everything except for pop, rap, r&b or really twangy country music (unless it's bluegrass - I like bluegrass)
The Goonies
Kill your TV!
The Blue Sword, The Hero's Crown (anything by Robin Mckinnley), Tolkien of course, The Lion The witch and the wardrobe and the series that follows, All the Harry Potter stuff, Eragon, Abhorsen and it's series, I love science fiction and fantacy!
My Dad He's so cool that I decided to be a nurse just like he is.