kriz profile picture


everything happens for a reason

About Me

hmm...i like to get involved in a lot of stuff, so i have lots of extra-curricular activities...but i especially like to DANCE;P i'm a book lover so don't try talking to me when i'm reading coz i won't hear you anyway;P i'm very athletic, but right now i'm into badminton(used to be in soccer) i'm sooo addicted to white chocolate!! what else what else...i'm a sucker for mush and i like to reflect and think a lot about the things that happen to me...people label me as a martyr and too nice to get all bitchy, but i do have my evil ways....lolz i'm usually hyper, and i can seem a lil bit crazy and insane whenever i'm hyper, but don't worry, that's only temporary ( although i don't think my friends would agree..hehe) i love making people smile, and i especially love it if i know that they had a tough day's work and i helped lighten things up at leats a bit.:D perverts freak me out but i do have a naughty side!;p i wanna be a doctor, but i don't think i'll be a good one because i always feel a surge of pity whenever i see someone sufferring, and doctors are supposed to be in control of their emotions..i'm an extrovert, but very introverted when it comes to what i truly feel inside, especially when it comes to love. don't let my talkativeness fool you! lolz. i like to believe that i'm very approachable, that i'm easy to get along with, but i'm no genius to make every single person i meet to get to like me, just like anyone else..i'm easy to get along with, provided that the person is cooperative. i think what makes me different (or you could call it weird) is that when i' m running out of things to say, i tend to ask just really funky questions that really make you those what if's questions..coz i like to come up with those questions just for keeps my brain working. i love havin fun, as long as it's legal, and i like to just enoy life, without any worries (although i do worry too much;p)

My Interests

dancing, making people smile/laugh, having fun with my friends and family, going to the beach with them, stargazing, coming up with crazy questions

I'd like to meet:

the 5 people i'm supposed to meet in heaven (just like the book!), mitch albom, certain inventors, like whoever invented the toilet:D hehehe!


alternative rock, a lil bit of hiphop and senti stuff


lilo and stitch! count of monte cristo, pay it forward, my bestfriend's wedding, kate and leopold, anything that's romantic comedy! no to horror!


tuesdays with morrie, the 5 people you meet in heaven, sisterhood of the traveling pants, the golden unicorn, enid blyton books, Chronicles of Green Gable (is that the title of the chronicles? i's the one that has Anne of Green gables), a wrinkle in time, merchant of venice


my mom!!! jesus christ:D

My Blog

favorite quotes

Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, of what I did, of who I am. And most of all, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel w...
Posted by kriz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

memories from the past

I once loved someone who loved me back. But he didn't want to stay ... so I had to let him go. I cried. A lot. I spent countless nights wondering what went wrong, muffling my sobs with my pi...
Posted by kriz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

this is so sad

i was goin thru some of the forums that i usually go to, and i came across this very touching yet sad love's a real tearjerker! ************************************************************ ...
Posted by kriz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


wow..can't believe that i'm actually writing here. talk about having nothing to do. well, since i am writing here and all...might as well talk: i woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. i...
Posted by kriz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST