dancing, making people smile/laugh, having fun with my friends and family, going to the beach with them, stargazing, coming up with crazy questions
the 5 people i'm supposed to meet in heaven (just like the book!), mitch albom, certain inventors, like whoever invented the toilet:D hehehe!
alternative rock, a lil bit of hiphop and senti stuff
lilo and stitch! count of monte cristo, pay it forward, my bestfriend's wedding, kate and leopold, anything that's romantic comedy! no to horror!
tuesdays with morrie, the 5 people you meet in heaven, sisterhood of the traveling pants, the golden unicorn, enid blyton books, Chronicles of Green Gable (is that the title of the chronicles? i forgot..it's the one that has Anne of Green gables), a wrinkle in time, merchant of venice
my mom!!! jesus christ:D