Myspace Layouts at / Wear Cute Shoes!
Myspace Layouts at / Wear Cute Shoes!
Bide ye wiccan laws you must, in perfect love and perfect trustLive ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly giveFor the circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits outTo bind ye spell well every time, let the spell be spake in rhymeSoft of eye and light of touch, speak ye little, listen muchDeosil go by the waxing moon, Chanting out ye baleful tuneWhen ye Lady's moon is new, kiss ye hand to her times twoWhen ye moon rides at her peak, Then ye heart's desire seekHeed the north winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sailWhen the wind comes from the south, love will kiss thee on the mouthWhen the wind blows from the east, expect the new and set the feast.Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slowElder be ye Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed ye'll beWhen the wheel begins to turn, soon ye beltane fires will burnWhen the wheel hath turned a Yule light the log, the Horned One rulesHeed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady blessed beWhere the rippling waters go, cast a stone, the thruth ye'll knowWhen ye have and hold a need, harken not to others greedWith a fool no reason spend, or be counted as his friendMerry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.Mind ye threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times goodWhen misfortune is enow, wear the star upon thy browTrue in love must ye ever be, lest thy love be false to theeThese eight words the wiccan rede fulfill; An harm ye none, do what ye will.Moon Phases Chart for 2004
spacing:.3em;"CURRENT MOON lunar phases
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glitter-graphics.comI accept myself completely.
I accept my strengths and my weaknesses,
my gifts and my shortcomings,
my good points and my faults.
I accept myself completely as a human being.
I accept that I am here to learn and grow, and
I accept that I am learning and growing.
I accept the personality I've developed, and
I accept my power to heal and change.
I accept myself without condition or reservation.
I accept that the core of my being is goodness and
that my essence is love, and
I accept that I sometimes forget that.
I accept myself completely, and in this acceptance
I find an ever-deepening inner strength.
From this place of strength, I accept my life fully and
I open to the lessons it offers me today.I accept that within my mind are both fear and love, and
I accept my power to choose which
I will experience as real.
I recognize that I experience only the results
of my own choices.
I accept the times that I choose fear
as part of my learning and healing process, and
I accept that I have the potential and power
in any moment to choose love instead.
I accept mistakes as a part of growth,
so I am always willing to forgive myself and
give myself another chance.I accept that my life is the expression of my thought, and
I commit myself to aligning my thoughts
more and more each day with the Thought of Love.
I accept that I am an expression of this Love.
Love's hands and voice and heart on earth.
I accept my own life as a blessing and a gift.
My heart is open to receive, and I am deeply grateful.
May I always share the gifts that I receive
fully, freely, and with joy
glitter-graphics.comI don't watch much t.v. However I am a fan of M.A.S.H. I will stay up late to watch re-runs.
Butt Prints In The SandOne night I had a wondrous dream, One set of footprints there was seen. The footprints of the Goddess they were, But mine were not along the shore.But then some stranger prints appeared, And I asked Her, “What have we here?†These prints are large and round an neat, But much too big to be from Feet.â€â€œMy child,†She said in somber tones, “For miles I carried you alone, I challenged you to walk in faith, But you refused and made me wait.â€â€œYou would not learn, you would not grow, The walk of faith, you would not know. So I got tired, I got fed up, And there I dropped you on your butt.â€â€œBecause in like, there comes a time When one must fight, and one must climb. When one must rise and take a stand Or leave their butt prints in the sand.â€-Author UnknownYour fairy is called Fire Elfwitch She is a cheerful sprite. She lives where fireflies mate and breed. She is only seen in the enchanted moment between sleep and waking. Her dresses glow with fiery colours. She has delicate green wings like a cicada. Get your own fairy name here!