Music.Reading.Photography.trying to understand for what "Interests" stands for.keep answering to the three questions.losing in tennis from a blancmange.turning men into scotsmen and avoiding 16 bleedin pig!
John Cleese, Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Terry Gilliam and of course Graham Chapman! Thanasis Veggos
mostly but not only Death Metal, Grind, Hardcore, Punk... favourite band SLAYEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR
i dont like puting my favourites in a ranking but i can say "Land and Freedom", all MOnty PythOn movies..."The life of others", "Let women wait" (respect!), "The Shawshank Redemption" (aka ,,,,?,,?,,,,?,, ???,,?? Rita Hayworth), "The Departed", "The Village", "Il Soliti Ignoti" (? ????,,? ,,?? ????,,?,,??), "AMICI MIEI" (,,?,,?µ?,,,,,,?? ,,???? µ??:1,2 and 3), "What's new pussycat", "Playtime" ...and some more...
?? ?,,? ?,,? ?? ,,,,?, ,,,,,,??,,,,?,,??..MontY pYthon's flying circuuuusss...eeeerrrr this thing doesnt accept greek characters so here u are Oi Men kai oi Den, Aparadektoi..bla bla.
at the moment reading "the Basement"