I'd like to meet:
Life is by design a series of changes. We are not meant to be
victims of our past histories.
Rather, the experiences of life can teach
us to live positively in an imperfect world.
The perspective chat you have of life in
general, and of yourself in particular,
colors the way in which you interact with other people.
A person reared in a home
with positive parental leadership has a greater
probability of developing
a healthy view or himself and the life before him.
The message must consistently be conveyed to others
that each person's worth,
as an individual, is permanently fixed.
The defiling power is not in the thing
but in the error thought of the mind that reaches out
to the intoxicant as having power
to stimulate and satisfy; thus making a god of It and putting
it in the place of Spirit which alone can give life
and satisfaction.
God loves you and so do I
Sister Ruth Watkins
The Fourteen Commandments
Thou shalt greet thy Earthly Mother on the morning of the Sabbath.
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Earth on the second morning.
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Life on the third morning.
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Joy on the fourth morning.
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Sun on the fifth morning.
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Water on the sixth morning.
Thou shalt greet the Angel of Air on the seventh morning.
Thou shalt worship thy Heavenly Father on the evening of the Sabbath.
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Eternal Life on the second evening.
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Work on the third evening.
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Peace on the fourth evening.
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Power on the fifth evening.
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Love on the sixth evening.
Thou shalt commune with the Angel of Wisdom on the seventh evening.
And there was a day of mourning and atonement for
the great sin against the Creator, which did not end. And the broken tablets
of the Invisible Law lived hidden in the breast of Moses, until it
came to pass that the Children of Light appeared in the desert,
and the angels walked the earth.
God Loves You And So Do I X
The teacher has knowledge, the pastor has compassion,
the prophet has revelation, the evangelist has zeal
and the apostle has authority, but the key characteristic
of the watchman is wisdom.
The apocryphal book of the
Wisdom of Solomon 8:8b says, "she (wisdom) has foreknowledge
of signs and wonders and of the outcome
of seasons and times."